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2003 – Season 1
Episode 1: January 2003 - Peaceful Parenting
Tags: Victor LaCerva, Sarah Malone, Kevin Malone, Children, Parenting, Emotional Fluency, Bullying, Spanking
Episode 2: February 2003 - Peaceful Race Relations: An African American Perspective
Tags: Tanya Covington, James Lewis, Othiamba Umi, African-American, Race Relations, Diversity, White Privilege, Black American
Episode 3: April 2003 - A Department of Peace?
Tags: Department of Peace, Secretary of Peace, Dennis Kucinich, Democratic Congressman, Ohio, President of the United States Candidate, government, Heather Wilson, Republican Representative, New Mexico, Steve Pearce, Chris Griscom, The Light Institute, The Nizhoni School For Global Consciousness, Cisco McSorley, State Senator
Episode 4: May 2003 - Understanding Domestic Violence
Tags: domestic violence, psychological, Barbara Lambert, Rehobeth McKinley Christian Health Care Services, Choosing Harmony, McKinley County, New Mexico, Ann Kass, family court, judge, criminal justice, dangerous relationship, offender, assault, batterer
Episode 5: June 2003 - Nonviolent Communication
Tags: nonviolent communication, NVC, communication, Jorge Rubio, Marshall Rosenburg, hear, observe, feel, need, request, compassion, language
Episode 6: July 2003 - Making Peace with Ourselves in Troubled Times
Tags: inner peace, University of New Mexico, meditation, Eric Kolvig, war, terrorism, fear, open heart, calm, September 11, Jan Fawcett, Reyna Luna
Episode 7: August 2003 - Storytellers for Peace
Tags: storytellers, cooperation, Sarah Malone, Leah Alexander, Ron Hoskie, story, values, Holding Up The Sky: Peace Tales for Kids CD, children
Episode 8: September 2003 - Youth Mediation in Middle School
Tags: youth, mediation, student, middle school, classmate, gangs, Lilly Irvin-Vitela, New Mexico Center for Dispute Resolution, Albuquerque, Ellie Dendahl, Santa Fe, Center for Dispute Resolution, Elena Carnes, Sandia Prep, problem solving, bully
Episode 9: October 2003 - Mediation in the Workplace
Tags: mediation, workplace, mediator, Cynthia Olson, Philip Crump, communication, rumor, supervisor, bully, listen
Episode 10: November 2003 - Deleted Scenes Edition
Tags: mediation, middle school, nonviolent communication, Department of Peace, inner peace, September 11, parenting, Victor LaCerva, Chris Griscom, Lilly Irvin-Vitela, Center for Dispute Resolution, Ellie Dendahl, Elena Carnes, Eric Kolvig, Jorge Rubio
Episode 10a: December 2003 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2003 Peace Talks Special
Tags: storytellers, Sarah Malone, Leah Alexander, Ron Hoskie, children, Victor LaCerva, Parenting, Emotional Fluency, Bullying, mediation, middle school, Jorge Rubio, nonviolent communication, Tanya Covington, James Lewis, Othiamba Umi, African-American, Race Relations, Diversity, White Privilege, Black American, domestic violence
Tags: Victor LaCerva, Sarah Malone, Kevin Malone, Children, Parenting, Emotional Fluency, Bullying, Spanking
Episode 2: February 2003 - Peaceful Race Relations: An African American Perspective
Tags: Tanya Covington, James Lewis, Othiamba Umi, African-American, Race Relations, Diversity, White Privilege, Black American
Episode 3: April 2003 - A Department of Peace?
Tags: Department of Peace, Secretary of Peace, Dennis Kucinich, Democratic Congressman, Ohio, President of the United States Candidate, government, Heather Wilson, Republican Representative, New Mexico, Steve Pearce, Chris Griscom, The Light Institute, The Nizhoni School For Global Consciousness, Cisco McSorley, State Senator
Episode 4: May 2003 - Understanding Domestic Violence
Tags: domestic violence, psychological, Barbara Lambert, Rehobeth McKinley Christian Health Care Services, Choosing Harmony, McKinley County, New Mexico, Ann Kass, family court, judge, criminal justice, dangerous relationship, offender, assault, batterer
Episode 5: June 2003 - Nonviolent Communication
Tags: nonviolent communication, NVC, communication, Jorge Rubio, Marshall Rosenburg, hear, observe, feel, need, request, compassion, language
Episode 6: July 2003 - Making Peace with Ourselves in Troubled Times
Tags: inner peace, University of New Mexico, meditation, Eric Kolvig, war, terrorism, fear, open heart, calm, September 11, Jan Fawcett, Reyna Luna
Episode 7: August 2003 - Storytellers for Peace
Tags: storytellers, cooperation, Sarah Malone, Leah Alexander, Ron Hoskie, story, values, Holding Up The Sky: Peace Tales for Kids CD, children
Episode 8: September 2003 - Youth Mediation in Middle School
Tags: youth, mediation, student, middle school, classmate, gangs, Lilly Irvin-Vitela, New Mexico Center for Dispute Resolution, Albuquerque, Ellie Dendahl, Santa Fe, Center for Dispute Resolution, Elena Carnes, Sandia Prep, problem solving, bully
Episode 9: October 2003 - Mediation in the Workplace
Tags: mediation, workplace, mediator, Cynthia Olson, Philip Crump, communication, rumor, supervisor, bully, listen
Episode 10: November 2003 - Deleted Scenes Edition
Tags: mediation, middle school, nonviolent communication, Department of Peace, inner peace, September 11, parenting, Victor LaCerva, Chris Griscom, Lilly Irvin-Vitela, Center for Dispute Resolution, Ellie Dendahl, Elena Carnes, Eric Kolvig, Jorge Rubio
Episode 10a: December 2003 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2003 Peace Talks Special
Tags: storytellers, Sarah Malone, Leah Alexander, Ron Hoskie, children, Victor LaCerva, Parenting, Emotional Fluency, Bullying, mediation, middle school, Jorge Rubio, nonviolent communication, Tanya Covington, James Lewis, Othiamba Umi, African-American, Race Relations, Diversity, White Privilege, Black American, domestic violence
Episode 11: January 2004 - The Artist as Activist
Tags: actor, Kathryn Blume, Accidental Activist, activism, Lysistrata Project, women withhold sex, political, social awareness, fear
Episode 12: February 2004 - Managing Consumer Conflict
Tags: customer service, consumer, advocacy, Mary Cooley, Joel Cruz Esparza, Attorney General, New Mexico, Office of Consumer Protection, communication, empathy, apology, legal dispute
Episode 13: March 2004 - Global Activism
Tags: psychotherapist, Dr. Kathleen O'Malley, lawyer, Eric Sirotkin, Iraq, Palestine, North Korea, peace missions, international, travel, government, dissent, Voices in the Wilderness
Episode 14: April 2004 - A Story of Forgiveness
Tags: Phil Perea, Frank Tollardo, Taos, New Mexico, Eric Tollardo, shot, Jason Perea, convicted, father, working together, youth, cycle of violence, gangs, trade school, forgiveness, prayer, Christian, retaliate
Episode 15: May 2004 - Tempering Travel Rage
Tags: travel, travel rage, Diana Fairechild, aviation, flight attendant, Dr. Leon James, Road Rage, University of Hawaii, drive, car
Episode 16 & 17: June & July, 2004 - The Media and Peacemaking, Parts One & Two
Tags: Media and Consciousness Conference, Institute of Noetic Sciences, James O'Dea, Belvie Rooks, Duane Elgin, New Mexico Media Literacy Project, Bob McCannon, Albuquerque Journal, Leanne Potts, media literacy
Episode 18: August 2004 - Preventing Bullying
Tags: bullying, Lucinda McConnell, school counselor, Arroyo del Oso Elementary School, Bill Jordan, New Mexico Voices for Children, power, student, school
Episode 19 & 20: September & October 2004 - Seeking Civility in Political Discourse, Parts One & Two
Tags: Albuquerque Tribune, Kate Nelson, Dr. Gilbert St. Clair, University of New Mexico, Dr. Guy Burgess, Conflict Research Consortium, University of Colorado, politics, political ad, civility, political discourse, voter, election, media, battleground state
Episode 21: November 2004 - Relating to the Significant Other
Tags: Jackie Woods, Adawehi Institute, North Carolina, significant other, relationship, single, divorce, sex
Episode 22: December 2004 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2004 Peace Talks Special
Tags: Kathryn Blume, consumer, advocacy, Mary Cooley, Joel Cruz Esparza, Dr. Kathleen O'Malley, lawyer, Eric Sirotkin, Iraq, Palestine, North Korea, Perea, Frank Tollardo, Taos, New Mexico, Eric Tollardo, shot, Jason Perea, convicted, father, travel rage, Diana Fairechild, aviation, flight attendant, Dr. Leon James, Road Rage, James O'Dea, Belvie Rooks, Duane Elgin, New Mexico Media Literacy Project, Bob McCannon, Albuquerque Journal, Leanne Potts, media literacy, bullying, Lucinda McConnell, school counselor, Arroyo del Oso Elementary School, Bill Jordan, New Mexico Voices for Children, power, Kate Nelson, Dr. Gilbert St. Clair, University of New Mexico, Dr. Guy Burgess, Conflict Research Consortium, politics, Jackie Woods, Adawehi Institute, North Carolina, significant other, relationship
Tags: actor, Kathryn Blume, Accidental Activist, activism, Lysistrata Project, women withhold sex, political, social awareness, fear
Episode 12: February 2004 - Managing Consumer Conflict
Tags: customer service, consumer, advocacy, Mary Cooley, Joel Cruz Esparza, Attorney General, New Mexico, Office of Consumer Protection, communication, empathy, apology, legal dispute
Episode 13: March 2004 - Global Activism
Tags: psychotherapist, Dr. Kathleen O'Malley, lawyer, Eric Sirotkin, Iraq, Palestine, North Korea, peace missions, international, travel, government, dissent, Voices in the Wilderness
Episode 14: April 2004 - A Story of Forgiveness
Tags: Phil Perea, Frank Tollardo, Taos, New Mexico, Eric Tollardo, shot, Jason Perea, convicted, father, working together, youth, cycle of violence, gangs, trade school, forgiveness, prayer, Christian, retaliate
Episode 15: May 2004 - Tempering Travel Rage
Tags: travel, travel rage, Diana Fairechild, aviation, flight attendant, Dr. Leon James, Road Rage, University of Hawaii, drive, car
Episode 16 & 17: June & July, 2004 - The Media and Peacemaking, Parts One & Two
Tags: Media and Consciousness Conference, Institute of Noetic Sciences, James O'Dea, Belvie Rooks, Duane Elgin, New Mexico Media Literacy Project, Bob McCannon, Albuquerque Journal, Leanne Potts, media literacy
Episode 18: August 2004 - Preventing Bullying
Tags: bullying, Lucinda McConnell, school counselor, Arroyo del Oso Elementary School, Bill Jordan, New Mexico Voices for Children, power, student, school
Episode 19 & 20: September & October 2004 - Seeking Civility in Political Discourse, Parts One & Two
Tags: Albuquerque Tribune, Kate Nelson, Dr. Gilbert St. Clair, University of New Mexico, Dr. Guy Burgess, Conflict Research Consortium, University of Colorado, politics, political ad, civility, political discourse, voter, election, media, battleground state
Episode 21: November 2004 - Relating to the Significant Other
Tags: Jackie Woods, Adawehi Institute, North Carolina, significant other, relationship, single, divorce, sex
Episode 22: December 2004 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2004 Peace Talks Special
Tags: Kathryn Blume, consumer, advocacy, Mary Cooley, Joel Cruz Esparza, Dr. Kathleen O'Malley, lawyer, Eric Sirotkin, Iraq, Palestine, North Korea, Perea, Frank Tollardo, Taos, New Mexico, Eric Tollardo, shot, Jason Perea, convicted, father, travel rage, Diana Fairechild, aviation, flight attendant, Dr. Leon James, Road Rage, James O'Dea, Belvie Rooks, Duane Elgin, New Mexico Media Literacy Project, Bob McCannon, Albuquerque Journal, Leanne Potts, media literacy, bullying, Lucinda McConnell, school counselor, Arroyo del Oso Elementary School, Bill Jordan, New Mexico Voices for Children, power, Kate Nelson, Dr. Gilbert St. Clair, University of New Mexico, Dr. Guy Burgess, Conflict Research Consortium, politics, Jackie Woods, Adawehi Institute, North Carolina, significant other, relationship
2005 – Season 3
Episode 23 & 24: January & February 2005 - Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Path to Nonviolence, Parts One & Two
Tags: Yolanda King, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Dr. Dorothy Cotton, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, race relations, African-American, Black American, nonviolence, justice, civil disobedience
Episode 25: March 2005 - The Peace Jam Program
Tags: Peace Jam, Nobel Peace Prize, Alfred Nobel, Karey Thorne, Pearl Williamson, Ry Parker, youth, student, teacher
Episode 26: April 2005 - The Death Penalty
Tags: death penalty, Steve Earle, capital punishment, government, execution, victim, Deborah Martinez, Mike Bowen, police officer, law enforcement, Donna McNevin, Joan Shirley
Episode 27: May 2005 - Peaceful Parenting, Part Two
Tags: Ruth Beaglehole, Center for Nonviolent Education and Parenting, Los Angeles, parenting, children, spanking, child abuse
Episode 28: June 2005 - Peace Studies Programs at Colleges and Universities
Tags: peace studies, college, university, Christine Rack, Michael Nagler, Graham Bass, career
Episode 29: July 2005 - Nuclear Disarmament: A Conversation with Dr. Zia Mian
Tags: nuclear bomb, nuclear disarmament, nuclear arms control, weapon, Dr. Zia Mian, government
Episode 30: August 2005 - The Nonviolent Peaceforce team in Sri Lanka
Tags: Mel Duncan, Nonviolent Peaceforce, Sri Lanka, witness, peacekeeper
Episode 31: September 2005 - Mideast Teen Girls Speak Out
Tags: mideast, teen, girl, Creativity for Peace Camp, Glorieta, New Mexico, Gaza, West Bank, Israel, leadership, reconciliation, co-existence, Rachel Kaufman, Palestine, Israel, Jew, Arab, checkpoint, guard
Episode 32: October 2005 - A Department of Peace?
Tags: Department of Peace, Secretary of Peace, Dennis Kucinich, Democratic Congressman, Ohio, President of the United States Candidate, government, Heather Wilson, Republican Representative, New Mexico, Steve Pearce, Chris Griscom, The Light Institute, The Nizhoni School For Global Consciousness, Cisco McSorley, State Senator
Episode 33: November 2005 - Peacemaking Traditions of the Iroquois Confederacy
Tags: Great Law of Peace, Iroquois, Haudenosaunee, Peacemaker Oren Lyons, Turtle Clan, Onondaga, State University of New York at Buffalo, law of peace, John Mohawk, natural world
Episode 34: December 2005 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2005 Peace Talks Special
Tags: Yolanda King, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Dr. Dorothy Cotton, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, race relations, African-American, Black American, nonviolence, justice, civil disobedience, Peace Jam, Nobel Peace Prize, Alfred Nobel, Karey Thorne, Pearl Williamson, Ry Parker, youth, student, teacher, death penalty, Steve Earle, capital punishment, government, execution, victim, Deborah Martinez, Mike Bowen, police officer, law enforcement, Donna McNevin, Joan Shirley, Ruth Beaglehole, Center for Nonviolent Education and Parenting, Los Angeles, parenting, children, spanking, child abuse, peace studies, college, university, Christine Rack, Michael Nagler, Graham Bass, career, nuclear bomb, nuclear disarmament, nuclear arms control, weapon, Dr. Zia Mian, government, Mel Duncan, Nonviolent Peaceforce, Sri Lanka, witness, peacekeeper, mideast, teen, girl, Creativity for Peace Camp, Glorieta, New Mexico, Gaza, West Bank, Israel, leadership, reconciliation, co-existence, Rachel Kaufman, Palestine, Israel, Jew, Arab, checkpoint, guard, Department of Peace, Secretary of Peace, Dennis Kucinich, Democratic Congressman, Ohio, President of the United States Candidate, government, Heather Wilson, Republican Representative, New Mexico, Steve Pearce, Chris Griscom, The Light Institute, The Nizhoni School For Global Consciousness, Cisco McSorley, State Senator, Great Law of Peace, Iroquois, Haudenosaunee, Peacemaker Oren Lyons, Turtle Clan, Onondaga, State University of New York at Buffalo, law of peace, John Mohawk, natural world
Tags: Yolanda King, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Dr. Dorothy Cotton, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, race relations, African-American, Black American, nonviolence, justice, civil disobedience
Episode 25: March 2005 - The Peace Jam Program
Tags: Peace Jam, Nobel Peace Prize, Alfred Nobel, Karey Thorne, Pearl Williamson, Ry Parker, youth, student, teacher
Episode 26: April 2005 - The Death Penalty
Tags: death penalty, Steve Earle, capital punishment, government, execution, victim, Deborah Martinez, Mike Bowen, police officer, law enforcement, Donna McNevin, Joan Shirley
Episode 27: May 2005 - Peaceful Parenting, Part Two
Tags: Ruth Beaglehole, Center for Nonviolent Education and Parenting, Los Angeles, parenting, children, spanking, child abuse
Episode 28: June 2005 - Peace Studies Programs at Colleges and Universities
Tags: peace studies, college, university, Christine Rack, Michael Nagler, Graham Bass, career
Episode 29: July 2005 - Nuclear Disarmament: A Conversation with Dr. Zia Mian
Tags: nuclear bomb, nuclear disarmament, nuclear arms control, weapon, Dr. Zia Mian, government
Episode 30: August 2005 - The Nonviolent Peaceforce team in Sri Lanka
Tags: Mel Duncan, Nonviolent Peaceforce, Sri Lanka, witness, peacekeeper
Episode 31: September 2005 - Mideast Teen Girls Speak Out
Tags: mideast, teen, girl, Creativity for Peace Camp, Glorieta, New Mexico, Gaza, West Bank, Israel, leadership, reconciliation, co-existence, Rachel Kaufman, Palestine, Israel, Jew, Arab, checkpoint, guard
Episode 32: October 2005 - A Department of Peace?
Tags: Department of Peace, Secretary of Peace, Dennis Kucinich, Democratic Congressman, Ohio, President of the United States Candidate, government, Heather Wilson, Republican Representative, New Mexico, Steve Pearce, Chris Griscom, The Light Institute, The Nizhoni School For Global Consciousness, Cisco McSorley, State Senator
Episode 33: November 2005 - Peacemaking Traditions of the Iroquois Confederacy
Tags: Great Law of Peace, Iroquois, Haudenosaunee, Peacemaker Oren Lyons, Turtle Clan, Onondaga, State University of New York at Buffalo, law of peace, John Mohawk, natural world
Episode 34: December 2005 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2005 Peace Talks Special
Tags: Yolanda King, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Dr. Dorothy Cotton, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, race relations, African-American, Black American, nonviolence, justice, civil disobedience, Peace Jam, Nobel Peace Prize, Alfred Nobel, Karey Thorne, Pearl Williamson, Ry Parker, youth, student, teacher, death penalty, Steve Earle, capital punishment, government, execution, victim, Deborah Martinez, Mike Bowen, police officer, law enforcement, Donna McNevin, Joan Shirley, Ruth Beaglehole, Center for Nonviolent Education and Parenting, Los Angeles, parenting, children, spanking, child abuse, peace studies, college, university, Christine Rack, Michael Nagler, Graham Bass, career, nuclear bomb, nuclear disarmament, nuclear arms control, weapon, Dr. Zia Mian, government, Mel Duncan, Nonviolent Peaceforce, Sri Lanka, witness, peacekeeper, mideast, teen, girl, Creativity for Peace Camp, Glorieta, New Mexico, Gaza, West Bank, Israel, leadership, reconciliation, co-existence, Rachel Kaufman, Palestine, Israel, Jew, Arab, checkpoint, guard, Department of Peace, Secretary of Peace, Dennis Kucinich, Democratic Congressman, Ohio, President of the United States Candidate, government, Heather Wilson, Republican Representative, New Mexico, Steve Pearce, Chris Griscom, The Light Institute, The Nizhoni School For Global Consciousness, Cisco McSorley, State Senator, Great Law of Peace, Iroquois, Haudenosaunee, Peacemaker Oren Lyons, Turtle Clan, Onondaga, State University of New York at Buffalo, law of peace, John Mohawk, natural world
2006 – Season 4
Episode 35: January 2006 - Poetry for Peace
Tags: poet, poem, National Poetry Slam, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Samantha Scolamiero, Ruth Imber, Nick James, Bill Nevins, Kay Crowne, Tito Perez, George Miller
Episode 36: February 2006 - Nonviolent Communication (NVC) with Marshall Rosenberg
Tags: nonviolent communication, NVC, communication, Marshall Rosenberg, Jorge Rubio, hear, observe, feel, need, request, compassion, language, First Church of Religious Science
Episode 37: March 2006 - The Peace Corps at 45
Tags: Peace Corps, Peace Corps volunteer, Peace Corps Director, Gaddi Vasquez, Joseph Garcia, Dave Davenport, Lauren Koller, Anna Skinner, Arne Vanderburg, Jan Vanderburg, international, volunteer, government
Episode 38: April 2006 - Regarding Gandhi
Tags: Mohandas K. Gandhi, nonviolent, racial equality, Jesuit Priest, Father John Dear, Arun Gandhi, grandfather, political, spiritual, India
Episode 39: May 2006 - Taken Too Soon: The Cost of War
Tags: war, victim, public radio producers, casualty, Iraq, Afghanistan, civilians, contractors, journalist, killed, Memorial Day
Episode 31 (encore): June 2006 - Mideast Teen Girls Speak Out
Tags: mideast, teen, girl, Creativity for Peace Camp, Glorieta, New Mexico, Gaza, West Bank, Israel, leadership, reconciliation, co-existence, Rachel Kaufman, Palestine, Israel, Jew, Arab, checkpoint, guard
Episode 40: July 2006 - Peaceful Parenting
Tags: Laura Ramirez, Pascua Yaki Tribe, parenting, Native American, children, self-discipline, nature, spiritual
Episode 41: August 2006 - Neighborhood Peacemaking
Tags: mediator, Stephanie Beninato, barking dogs, Alamosa community, neighborhood association, neighborhood, community, crime, Conrad Candelaria, Dan Silva
Episode 42: September 2006 - Finding Peace In and Out of Prison
Tags: prison, prisoner, inmate, substance abusing family, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, meth, addiction, forgiveness, Dismas House
Episode 43: October 2006 - Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Maguire
Tags: Nobel Peace Prize, Mairead Maguire, Northern Ireland, children, Community of the Peace People, nonviolence, war
Episode 44: November 2006 - Peacemaking on the Job
Tags: job, workplace, boss, employees, customers, Suzanne Kryder, leadership, communication, feeling, feedback
Episode 44a: December 2006 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2006 Peace Talks Special
Tags: poet, poem, National Poetry Slam, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Samantha Scolamiero, Ruth Imber, Nick James, Bill Nevins, Kay Crowne, Tito Perez, George Miller, nonviolent communication, NVC, communication, Marshall Rosenberg, Jorge Rubio, hear, request, compassion, language, Peace Corps, Peace Corps volunteer, Gaddi Vasquez, Joseph Garcia, Dave Davenport, Lauren Koller, Anna Skinner, Mohandas K. Gandhi, nonviolent, racial equality, Jesuit Priest, Father John Dear, Arun Gandhi, war, victim, Iraq, Afghanistan, civilians, contractors, journalist, killed, Memorial Day, mideast, teen, girl, Creativity for Peace Camp, Glorieta, New Mexico, Gaza, West Bank, Israel, Rachel Kaufman, Palestine, Israel, Jew, Arab, Laura Ramirez, Pascua Yaki Tribe, parenting, Native American, children, mediator, Stephanie Beninato, barking dogs, neighborhood, prison, addiction, forgiveness, Dismas House Nobel Peace Prize, Mairead Maguire, Northern Ireland, children, Suzanne Kryder, leadership, communication
Tags: poet, poem, National Poetry Slam, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Samantha Scolamiero, Ruth Imber, Nick James, Bill Nevins, Kay Crowne, Tito Perez, George Miller
Episode 36: February 2006 - Nonviolent Communication (NVC) with Marshall Rosenberg
Tags: nonviolent communication, NVC, communication, Marshall Rosenberg, Jorge Rubio, hear, observe, feel, need, request, compassion, language, First Church of Religious Science
Episode 37: March 2006 - The Peace Corps at 45
Tags: Peace Corps, Peace Corps volunteer, Peace Corps Director, Gaddi Vasquez, Joseph Garcia, Dave Davenport, Lauren Koller, Anna Skinner, Arne Vanderburg, Jan Vanderburg, international, volunteer, government
Episode 38: April 2006 - Regarding Gandhi
Tags: Mohandas K. Gandhi, nonviolent, racial equality, Jesuit Priest, Father John Dear, Arun Gandhi, grandfather, political, spiritual, India
Episode 39: May 2006 - Taken Too Soon: The Cost of War
Tags: war, victim, public radio producers, casualty, Iraq, Afghanistan, civilians, contractors, journalist, killed, Memorial Day
Episode 31 (encore): June 2006 - Mideast Teen Girls Speak Out
Tags: mideast, teen, girl, Creativity for Peace Camp, Glorieta, New Mexico, Gaza, West Bank, Israel, leadership, reconciliation, co-existence, Rachel Kaufman, Palestine, Israel, Jew, Arab, checkpoint, guard
Episode 40: July 2006 - Peaceful Parenting
Tags: Laura Ramirez, Pascua Yaki Tribe, parenting, Native American, children, self-discipline, nature, spiritual
Episode 41: August 2006 - Neighborhood Peacemaking
Tags: mediator, Stephanie Beninato, barking dogs, Alamosa community, neighborhood association, neighborhood, community, crime, Conrad Candelaria, Dan Silva
Episode 42: September 2006 - Finding Peace In and Out of Prison
Tags: prison, prisoner, inmate, substance abusing family, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, meth, addiction, forgiveness, Dismas House
Episode 43: October 2006 - Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Maguire
Tags: Nobel Peace Prize, Mairead Maguire, Northern Ireland, children, Community of the Peace People, nonviolence, war
Episode 44: November 2006 - Peacemaking on the Job
Tags: job, workplace, boss, employees, customers, Suzanne Kryder, leadership, communication, feeling, feedback
Episode 44a: December 2006 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2006 Peace Talks Special
Tags: poet, poem, National Poetry Slam, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Samantha Scolamiero, Ruth Imber, Nick James, Bill Nevins, Kay Crowne, Tito Perez, George Miller, nonviolent communication, NVC, communication, Marshall Rosenberg, Jorge Rubio, hear, request, compassion, language, Peace Corps, Peace Corps volunteer, Gaddi Vasquez, Joseph Garcia, Dave Davenport, Lauren Koller, Anna Skinner, Mohandas K. Gandhi, nonviolent, racial equality, Jesuit Priest, Father John Dear, Arun Gandhi, war, victim, Iraq, Afghanistan, civilians, contractors, journalist, killed, Memorial Day, mideast, teen, girl, Creativity for Peace Camp, Glorieta, New Mexico, Gaza, West Bank, Israel, Rachel Kaufman, Palestine, Israel, Jew, Arab, Laura Ramirez, Pascua Yaki Tribe, parenting, Native American, children, mediator, Stephanie Beninato, barking dogs, neighborhood, prison, addiction, forgiveness, Dismas House Nobel Peace Prize, Mairead Maguire, Northern Ireland, children, Suzanne Kryder, leadership, communication
2007 – Season 5
Episode 45: January 2007 - Ralph Bunche: Profile in Peace
Tags: African-American, diplomat, Ralph Bunche, race relations, State Department, United Nations, negotiator, communist allegations, Sir Brian Urquhart, William Greaves, Tonya Covington, Ralph Bunche Jr.
Episode 46: February 2007 - Peace and Justice Centers
Tags: peace center, justic, community, Serena Chaudhry, Burlington, Vermont, Pat Leahan, Las Vegas, New Mexico, Maria Santelli, Albuquerque, political
Episode 47: March 2007 - Byron Katie’s Path to Personal Peace
Tags: Byron Katie, inner peace, depressed, Stephen Mitchell, The Work, war, questions, thought, feedback
Episode 48: April 2007 - Reducing Poverty, Promoting Peace
Tags: poverty, Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize, Grammen Bank, micro-credit, Heidi Topp Brooks, Coralee Bryant
Episode 49: May 2007 - When Competition Leads to Conflict
Tags: competition, Alfie Kohn, Steve Alford, Lucia Martinez, Kyle Farris, win, lose, competitor, sports, play
Episode 50: June 2007 - Nobel Peace Laureate Jody Williams
Tags: Nobel Peace Laureate, Jody Williams, Building a Culture of Peace Conference, human rights, civil society, international, International Campaign to Ban Landmines, nongovernmental
Episode 51: July 2007 - Religious Tolerance
Tags: religious tolerance, Eboo Patel, faith, spiritual, Interfaith Youth Core, belief, Muslim, Christian, Jew, secularist, pluralism, conversion, Adina Teibloom, Whitney Barth, religion
Episode 52: August 2007 - 9/11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
Tags: September 11th, 9/11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, family, killed, grief, nonviolent, war, terrorism, Terry Kay Rockefeller, Bruce Wallace, Anne Mulderry
Episode 53: September 2007 - Electing Mediators to Public Office
Tags: elect, mediator, public office, Dr. Dan Dana, candidate, US House of Representatives, Missouri, Elect Mediators to Public Office, non-adversarial, government, political discourse, Henry Cuellar, Barbara Ann Rodnofsky, Manzanita, Oregon, Hugh McIssac
Episode 54: October 2007 - Community Peace Conferences
Tags: Building a Culture of Peace, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Louise Diamond, Martha Dominquez, conference
Episode 55: November 2007 - Teaching Peace (Part 1)
Tags: schools Azim Khamisa, Tariq Khamisa Foundation, nonviolence, forgiveness, school, killed, Ples Felix, grandfather, shooter
Episode 56: December 2007 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2007 Peace Talks Special
Tags: Nobel Peace Laureates, Ralph Bunche, Jody Williams, landmines, microcredit, Muhammad Yunus, forgiveness, schools, Byron Katie, inner peace, young people, disparate faiths, 9/11 Families, grief
Tags: African-American, diplomat, Ralph Bunche, race relations, State Department, United Nations, negotiator, communist allegations, Sir Brian Urquhart, William Greaves, Tonya Covington, Ralph Bunche Jr.
Episode 46: February 2007 - Peace and Justice Centers
Tags: peace center, justic, community, Serena Chaudhry, Burlington, Vermont, Pat Leahan, Las Vegas, New Mexico, Maria Santelli, Albuquerque, political
Episode 47: March 2007 - Byron Katie’s Path to Personal Peace
Tags: Byron Katie, inner peace, depressed, Stephen Mitchell, The Work, war, questions, thought, feedback
Episode 48: April 2007 - Reducing Poverty, Promoting Peace
Tags: poverty, Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize, Grammen Bank, micro-credit, Heidi Topp Brooks, Coralee Bryant
Episode 49: May 2007 - When Competition Leads to Conflict
Tags: competition, Alfie Kohn, Steve Alford, Lucia Martinez, Kyle Farris, win, lose, competitor, sports, play
Episode 50: June 2007 - Nobel Peace Laureate Jody Williams
Tags: Nobel Peace Laureate, Jody Williams, Building a Culture of Peace Conference, human rights, civil society, international, International Campaign to Ban Landmines, nongovernmental
Episode 51: July 2007 - Religious Tolerance
Tags: religious tolerance, Eboo Patel, faith, spiritual, Interfaith Youth Core, belief, Muslim, Christian, Jew, secularist, pluralism, conversion, Adina Teibloom, Whitney Barth, religion
Episode 52: August 2007 - 9/11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
Tags: September 11th, 9/11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, family, killed, grief, nonviolent, war, terrorism, Terry Kay Rockefeller, Bruce Wallace, Anne Mulderry
Episode 53: September 2007 - Electing Mediators to Public Office
Tags: elect, mediator, public office, Dr. Dan Dana, candidate, US House of Representatives, Missouri, Elect Mediators to Public Office, non-adversarial, government, political discourse, Henry Cuellar, Barbara Ann Rodnofsky, Manzanita, Oregon, Hugh McIssac
Episode 54: October 2007 - Community Peace Conferences
Tags: Building a Culture of Peace, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Louise Diamond, Martha Dominquez, conference
Episode 55: November 2007 - Teaching Peace (Part 1)
Tags: schools Azim Khamisa, Tariq Khamisa Foundation, nonviolence, forgiveness, school, killed, Ples Felix, grandfather, shooter
Episode 56: December 2007 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2007 Peace Talks Special
Tags: Nobel Peace Laureates, Ralph Bunche, Jody Williams, landmines, microcredit, Muhammad Yunus, forgiveness, schools, Byron Katie, inner peace, young people, disparate faiths, 9/11 Families, grief
2008 – Season 6
Episode 57: January 2008 - Teaching Peace, Part Two
Tags: teach, school, journalist, teacher, curriculum, Washington, DC , Colman McCarthy, nonviolence, Center for Teaching Peace, Peace Studies, Seattle, Washington, Lori Markowitz, Bridges To Understanding, Teleia Thurman
Episode 58: February 2008 - Making Peace with Money
Tags: money, philanthropy, Lynne Twist, financial advisor, Brent Kessel, global activist, fundraiser, spiritual, Hunger Project, Pachamama Alliance, Institute of Noetic Sciences, meditation
Episode 59: March 2008 - Does Climate Change Threaten Peace?
Tags: Nobel Peace Prize, U.S. Vice President, Al Gore, United Nations, Climate Change, war, Dan Smith, Secretary General of International-Alert, Dr. Thomas Homer-Dixon, Peace and Conflict Studies Department, University of Toronto
Episode 60: April 2008 - The Video Game Violence Debate
Tags: video games, Grand Theft Auto, violence, aggression, desensitization, Bob McCannon, media literacy, Action Coalition for Media Education, Arizona State University, James Paul Gee, Dmitri Williams, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California
Episode 61: May 2008 - The Neuroscience of Compassion
Tags: meditation, neuroscience, compassion, brain research, Dr. Richard J. Davidson, Laboratory for Affective Neuroscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Buddhist monks, Dr. Dan Siegel, UCLA School of Medicine, Dr. Pilar Sanjuan, Mind Research Network, Albuquerque, veterans, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Dr. John Phillips
Episode 62: June 2008 - A Nonviolent Video Strategy Game
Tags: Ivan Marovic, Serb, student, resistance movement, Slobodon Milosovic, International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, nonviolent strategy computer game, A FORCE MORE POWERFUL
Episode 63: July 2008 - Creative Nonviolent Public Events
Tags: creative, nonviolent, public events, guerilla street theatre, Code Pink, Billionaires for Bush, Women in Black, Gail Murphy, Liz Hourican, Andrew Boyd, Larry Bogad, Albuquerque
Episode 64: August 2008 - Compassion to Creatures
Tags: compassion, animals, kill, meditation teacher, Eric Kolvig, Heather Ferguson, New Mexico Animal Protection, Peggy Weigle, Animal Humane Association, New Mexico, Beth Shapiro, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Buffalo, New York
Episode 65: September 2008 - Changing Minds during Election Season
Tags: political, voter, election, candidate, change minds, media, Rachel Gorlin, Howard Gardner, Harvard, Dave Straker
Episode 66: October 2008 - Peacemaking Elders, Part One
Tags: octogenarian, advocate, Juanita Morrow Nelson, Cleveland, African-American, Wally Nelson, taxes, government, military, Ruth Imber, Albuquerque, New Mexico, activism
Episode 67: November 2008 - JFK’s Turn towards Peace
Tags: JFK, President Kennedy, James Douglass, murder, nuclear war, Nikita Khrushchev, American University
Episode 68: December 2008 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2008 Peace Talks Special
Tags: climate change, money, video game violence, street actions, neuroscience, compassion, JFK, compassion, animals, JFK, President Kennedy, James Douglass, murder, nuclear octogenarian, advocate, Juanita Morrow Nelson, Cleveland, African-American, Wally Nelson, taxes, government, military, Ruth Imber, war, political, voter, election, candidate, change minds, media, Rachel Gorlin, Howard Gardner, Harvard, Dave Straker, compassion, animals, kill, meditation teacher, Eric Kolvig, Heather Ferguson, Peggy Weigle, Beth Shapiro, creative, nonviolent, public events, guerilla street theatre, Code Pink, Billionaires for Bush, Women in Black, Gail Murphy, Liz Hourican, Andrew Boyd, Larry Bogad, Ivan Marovic, Serb, student, resistance movement, Slobodon Milosovic, nonviolent strategy computer game, neuroscience, compassion, brain research, Dr. Richard J. Davidson, Buddhist monks, Dr. Dan Siegel, Dr. Pilar Sanjuan, Mind Research Network, Albuquerque, Dr. John Phillips, video games, Grand Theft Auto, violence, aggression, desensitization, Bob McCannon, media literacy, James Paul Gee, Dmitri Williams, Nobel Peace Prize, U.S. Vice President, Al Gore, United Nations, Climate Change, war, Dan Smith, Dr. Thomas Homer-Dixon, money, philanthropy, Lynne Twist, financial advisor, Brent Kessel, teach, school, journalist, Colman McCarthy, nonviolence, Center for Teaching Peace, Lori Markowitz, Teleia Thurman
Tags: teach, school, journalist, teacher, curriculum, Washington, DC , Colman McCarthy, nonviolence, Center for Teaching Peace, Peace Studies, Seattle, Washington, Lori Markowitz, Bridges To Understanding, Teleia Thurman
Episode 58: February 2008 - Making Peace with Money
Tags: money, philanthropy, Lynne Twist, financial advisor, Brent Kessel, global activist, fundraiser, spiritual, Hunger Project, Pachamama Alliance, Institute of Noetic Sciences, meditation
Episode 59: March 2008 - Does Climate Change Threaten Peace?
Tags: Nobel Peace Prize, U.S. Vice President, Al Gore, United Nations, Climate Change, war, Dan Smith, Secretary General of International-Alert, Dr. Thomas Homer-Dixon, Peace and Conflict Studies Department, University of Toronto
Episode 60: April 2008 - The Video Game Violence Debate
Tags: video games, Grand Theft Auto, violence, aggression, desensitization, Bob McCannon, media literacy, Action Coalition for Media Education, Arizona State University, James Paul Gee, Dmitri Williams, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California
Episode 61: May 2008 - The Neuroscience of Compassion
Tags: meditation, neuroscience, compassion, brain research, Dr. Richard J. Davidson, Laboratory for Affective Neuroscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Buddhist monks, Dr. Dan Siegel, UCLA School of Medicine, Dr. Pilar Sanjuan, Mind Research Network, Albuquerque, veterans, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Dr. John Phillips
Episode 62: June 2008 - A Nonviolent Video Strategy Game
Tags: Ivan Marovic, Serb, student, resistance movement, Slobodon Milosovic, International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, nonviolent strategy computer game, A FORCE MORE POWERFUL
Episode 63: July 2008 - Creative Nonviolent Public Events
Tags: creative, nonviolent, public events, guerilla street theatre, Code Pink, Billionaires for Bush, Women in Black, Gail Murphy, Liz Hourican, Andrew Boyd, Larry Bogad, Albuquerque
Episode 64: August 2008 - Compassion to Creatures
Tags: compassion, animals, kill, meditation teacher, Eric Kolvig, Heather Ferguson, New Mexico Animal Protection, Peggy Weigle, Animal Humane Association, New Mexico, Beth Shapiro, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Buffalo, New York
Episode 65: September 2008 - Changing Minds during Election Season
Tags: political, voter, election, candidate, change minds, media, Rachel Gorlin, Howard Gardner, Harvard, Dave Straker
Episode 66: October 2008 - Peacemaking Elders, Part One
Tags: octogenarian, advocate, Juanita Morrow Nelson, Cleveland, African-American, Wally Nelson, taxes, government, military, Ruth Imber, Albuquerque, New Mexico, activism
Episode 67: November 2008 - JFK’s Turn towards Peace
Tags: JFK, President Kennedy, James Douglass, murder, nuclear war, Nikita Khrushchev, American University
Episode 68: December 2008 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2008 Peace Talks Special
Tags: climate change, money, video game violence, street actions, neuroscience, compassion, JFK, compassion, animals, JFK, President Kennedy, James Douglass, murder, nuclear octogenarian, advocate, Juanita Morrow Nelson, Cleveland, African-American, Wally Nelson, taxes, government, military, Ruth Imber, war, political, voter, election, candidate, change minds, media, Rachel Gorlin, Howard Gardner, Harvard, Dave Straker, compassion, animals, kill, meditation teacher, Eric Kolvig, Heather Ferguson, Peggy Weigle, Beth Shapiro, creative, nonviolent, public events, guerilla street theatre, Code Pink, Billionaires for Bush, Women in Black, Gail Murphy, Liz Hourican, Andrew Boyd, Larry Bogad, Ivan Marovic, Serb, student, resistance movement, Slobodon Milosovic, nonviolent strategy computer game, neuroscience, compassion, brain research, Dr. Richard J. Davidson, Buddhist monks, Dr. Dan Siegel, Dr. Pilar Sanjuan, Mind Research Network, Albuquerque, Dr. John Phillips, video games, Grand Theft Auto, violence, aggression, desensitization, Bob McCannon, media literacy, James Paul Gee, Dmitri Williams, Nobel Peace Prize, U.S. Vice President, Al Gore, United Nations, Climate Change, war, Dan Smith, Dr. Thomas Homer-Dixon, money, philanthropy, Lynne Twist, financial advisor, Brent Kessel, teach, school, journalist, Colman McCarthy, nonviolence, Center for Teaching Peace, Lori Markowitz, Teleia Thurman
2009 – Season 7
Episode 69: January 2009 - Obama as Peacemaker
Tags: United States President, Barack Obama, leadership, war, Iraq, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, David Mendell, politics, Dr. Joseph Gerson, American Friends Service Committee
Episode 70: February 2009 - Obama and Human Rights
Tags: Barack Obama, Obama administration, Carter Center, Atlanta, conference, president, President Jimmy Carter, Saad Ibrahim, Amnesty International USA, Larry Cox, Karin Ryan
Episode 71: March 2009 - Peacemaking Elders, Part Two
Tags: Nobel Peace Prize, Bernard Lown, cardiac difibrilator, nuclear weapon, Physicians for Social Responsibility International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Episode 72: April 2009 - Star Trek’s Peace Message
Tags: Star Trek, Captain Kirk, Spock, Bones, Uhura, war, tolerance, compassion, David Gerrold, Trouble with Tribbles, Nichelle Nichols, Judith Barad
Episode 73: May 2009 - The Dalai Lama in Our Time
Tags: Tibet, Dr. Robert Thurman, Pico Iyer, Dalai Lama, Seattle, Seeds of Compassion Conference, China
Episode 74: June 2009 - The Peace Work of John Lennon & Yoko Ono
Tags: John Lennon, Yoko Ono, advocates, shot, New York, David Leaf, Paul McGrath, Alan Lysaght, Give Peace a Chance, Happy Xmas (War Is Over), Power to The People, Revolution, Imagine
Episode 75: July 2009 - Arts and Parks Bring Peace to Communities
Tags: neighborhood, economic development, Lily Yeh, The Village of Arts and Humanities, Barefoot Artists, Philadelphia, children, residents, Rwanda, Kenya, Ecuador, China, Brenda Toler
Episode 76: August 2009 - Peace Lessons of the Rainbow Gatherings
Tags: Rainbow Gathering, intentional community, community, National Forest, utopia, Dr. Michael Niman, nonviolent, nonhierarchical, cooperative, Forest Service
Episode 77: September 2009 - Can Water Negotiations Point the Way to Peace?
Tags: water, Aaron Wolf, water conflicts, resources, Matt Berlin, Christina Berlin, Oakland, school, Kenya, community
Episode 78: October 2009 - Poetry and Pen Pals Promoting Peace
Tags: written word, Kim Rosen, poem, poetry, international negotiations, Sarah Wilkinson, Peace Pal Project, school, children, pen pal, young people
Episode 79: November 2009 - International Travel Promoting Peace
Tags: international, travel, visit, foreign country, Rick Steves, terrorism, travel writer, political, Daryl Chinn, Servas, hosting, Phyllis Chinn
Episode 80: December 2009 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2009 Peace Talks Special
Tags: Dalai Lama, John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Rainbow Gathering, water, negotiation, community art, international, pen pal, travel, Rick Steves, nuclear arsenals, Nobel Peace prize, Dr. Bernard Lown, Captain James T. Kirk, Starship Enterprise, Daryl Chinn, Servas, hosting, Phyllis Chinn, Kim Rosen, poem, poetry, Sarah Wilkinson, school, children
Tags: United States President, Barack Obama, leadership, war, Iraq, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, David Mendell, politics, Dr. Joseph Gerson, American Friends Service Committee
Episode 70: February 2009 - Obama and Human Rights
Tags: Barack Obama, Obama administration, Carter Center, Atlanta, conference, president, President Jimmy Carter, Saad Ibrahim, Amnesty International USA, Larry Cox, Karin Ryan
Episode 71: March 2009 - Peacemaking Elders, Part Two
Tags: Nobel Peace Prize, Bernard Lown, cardiac difibrilator, nuclear weapon, Physicians for Social Responsibility International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Episode 72: April 2009 - Star Trek’s Peace Message
Tags: Star Trek, Captain Kirk, Spock, Bones, Uhura, war, tolerance, compassion, David Gerrold, Trouble with Tribbles, Nichelle Nichols, Judith Barad
Episode 73: May 2009 - The Dalai Lama in Our Time
Tags: Tibet, Dr. Robert Thurman, Pico Iyer, Dalai Lama, Seattle, Seeds of Compassion Conference, China
Episode 74: June 2009 - The Peace Work of John Lennon & Yoko Ono
Tags: John Lennon, Yoko Ono, advocates, shot, New York, David Leaf, Paul McGrath, Alan Lysaght, Give Peace a Chance, Happy Xmas (War Is Over), Power to The People, Revolution, Imagine
Episode 75: July 2009 - Arts and Parks Bring Peace to Communities
Tags: neighborhood, economic development, Lily Yeh, The Village of Arts and Humanities, Barefoot Artists, Philadelphia, children, residents, Rwanda, Kenya, Ecuador, China, Brenda Toler
Episode 76: August 2009 - Peace Lessons of the Rainbow Gatherings
Tags: Rainbow Gathering, intentional community, community, National Forest, utopia, Dr. Michael Niman, nonviolent, nonhierarchical, cooperative, Forest Service
Episode 77: September 2009 - Can Water Negotiations Point the Way to Peace?
Tags: water, Aaron Wolf, water conflicts, resources, Matt Berlin, Christina Berlin, Oakland, school, Kenya, community
Episode 78: October 2009 - Poetry and Pen Pals Promoting Peace
Tags: written word, Kim Rosen, poem, poetry, international negotiations, Sarah Wilkinson, Peace Pal Project, school, children, pen pal, young people
Episode 79: November 2009 - International Travel Promoting Peace
Tags: international, travel, visit, foreign country, Rick Steves, terrorism, travel writer, political, Daryl Chinn, Servas, hosting, Phyllis Chinn
Episode 80: December 2009 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2009 Peace Talks Special
Tags: Dalai Lama, John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Rainbow Gathering, water, negotiation, community art, international, pen pal, travel, Rick Steves, nuclear arsenals, Nobel Peace prize, Dr. Bernard Lown, Captain James T. Kirk, Starship Enterprise, Daryl Chinn, Servas, hosting, Phyllis Chinn, Kim Rosen, poem, poetry, Sarah Wilkinson, school, children
2010 – Season 8
Episode 81: January 2010 - Looking for Peace on Death Row
Tags: Jane Davis, HOPE-HOWSE, media, witness, electric chair, execution, Georgia, kill, death row, prison, inmate, death penalty, Steve Earle
Episode 82: February 2010 - Peace through Music: The Playing for Change Story
Tags: Stand By Me, song, Songs Around The World, Peace Through Music, Playing For Change Foundation, music school, developing country, Mark Johnson, Whitney Burditt, Clarence Bekker, Mermans Kenkosenki
Episode 83: March 2010 - Promoting Peace by Building Schools in Afghanistan
Tags: Greg Mortenson, Dr. Mohammad Khan Kharoti, Afghanistan, school, education, literacy, Pennies for Peace, Central Asia Institute, Pakistan, boys, girls, tribe, Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Portland, Oregon, Green Village Schools
Episode 84: April 2010 - Youth Voices on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution
Tags: young people, student, Albuquerque, First Unitarian Church, KUNM, Youth Radio Project, Luke Iha, Bashar Jawad, Amanja Lambert
Episode 85: May 2010 - The Neuroscience of Getting Along
Tags: social intelligence, brain, interaction, Dr. Daniel Goleman, The New York Times, psychology, Dr. Rick Hanson, neuropsychology, neuroscience
Episode 86: June 2010 - Protecting Human Rights Defenders
Tags: human rights defenders, nonviolent, human rights, Peace Brigades International, Katherine Hughes-Fraitekh, Dana Brown, Liam Mahony, Nonviolent Peaceforce, Mel Duncan, unarmed, Columbia, Guatemala, Sri Lanka, Philippines
Episode 87: July 2010 - Put-down Humor and Teasing
Tags: put-down humor, teasing, affection, humor, Paul Lewis, Boston College, Dacher Keltner, psychology, University of California at Berkely, Greater Good Science Center, positive emotions
Episode 88: August 2010 - Take the Third Side
Tags: cooperation, Third Side, Dr. William Ury, Harvard University, negotiation, mediator, negotiator, Bushmen, cooperation, Danna Smith, Dogwood Alliance, Gachi Tapia, Venezuela, Middle East, Bolivia
Episode 89: September 2010 - Oil Spill Aftermath: Making Peace Again with Nature
Tags: British Petroleum, Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig, oil spill, wildlife, nature, gulf, Daniel Schwartz, ecology, Kathy Sanchez, Native American, environmental policy, activist, John Francis, land management
Episode 90: October 2010 - Peacemaking after Divorce
Tags: marriages, divorce, war, spouse, children, attorney, couple, Peace Talks Radio, Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Sasha Aslanian, therapist, Samuel Roll
Episode 91: November 2010 - Massasoit's Peace Pact
Tags: Massasoit, Wampanoag, settlers, Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims, Thanksgiving, peace treaty, Indian, Darius Coombs, Bob Charlesbois, Native American, leader, Chris Eyre, We Shall Remain
Episode 92: December 2010 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2010 Peace Talks Special
Tags: Peace Through Music, international, human rights, global, William Ury, Daniel Goleman, Rick Hanson, nature, environmental, disasters, children, Playing For Change
Tags: Jane Davis, HOPE-HOWSE, media, witness, electric chair, execution, Georgia, kill, death row, prison, inmate, death penalty, Steve Earle
Episode 82: February 2010 - Peace through Music: The Playing for Change Story
Tags: Stand By Me, song, Songs Around The World, Peace Through Music, Playing For Change Foundation, music school, developing country, Mark Johnson, Whitney Burditt, Clarence Bekker, Mermans Kenkosenki
Episode 83: March 2010 - Promoting Peace by Building Schools in Afghanistan
Tags: Greg Mortenson, Dr. Mohammad Khan Kharoti, Afghanistan, school, education, literacy, Pennies for Peace, Central Asia Institute, Pakistan, boys, girls, tribe, Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Portland, Oregon, Green Village Schools
Episode 84: April 2010 - Youth Voices on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution
Tags: young people, student, Albuquerque, First Unitarian Church, KUNM, Youth Radio Project, Luke Iha, Bashar Jawad, Amanja Lambert
Episode 85: May 2010 - The Neuroscience of Getting Along
Tags: social intelligence, brain, interaction, Dr. Daniel Goleman, The New York Times, psychology, Dr. Rick Hanson, neuropsychology, neuroscience
Episode 86: June 2010 - Protecting Human Rights Defenders
Tags: human rights defenders, nonviolent, human rights, Peace Brigades International, Katherine Hughes-Fraitekh, Dana Brown, Liam Mahony, Nonviolent Peaceforce, Mel Duncan, unarmed, Columbia, Guatemala, Sri Lanka, Philippines
Episode 87: July 2010 - Put-down Humor and Teasing
Tags: put-down humor, teasing, affection, humor, Paul Lewis, Boston College, Dacher Keltner, psychology, University of California at Berkely, Greater Good Science Center, positive emotions
Episode 88: August 2010 - Take the Third Side
Tags: cooperation, Third Side, Dr. William Ury, Harvard University, negotiation, mediator, negotiator, Bushmen, cooperation, Danna Smith, Dogwood Alliance, Gachi Tapia, Venezuela, Middle East, Bolivia
Episode 89: September 2010 - Oil Spill Aftermath: Making Peace Again with Nature
Tags: British Petroleum, Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig, oil spill, wildlife, nature, gulf, Daniel Schwartz, ecology, Kathy Sanchez, Native American, environmental policy, activist, John Francis, land management
Episode 90: October 2010 - Peacemaking after Divorce
Tags: marriages, divorce, war, spouse, children, attorney, couple, Peace Talks Radio, Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Sasha Aslanian, therapist, Samuel Roll
Episode 91: November 2010 - Massasoit's Peace Pact
Tags: Massasoit, Wampanoag, settlers, Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims, Thanksgiving, peace treaty, Indian, Darius Coombs, Bob Charlesbois, Native American, leader, Chris Eyre, We Shall Remain
Episode 92: December 2010 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2010 Peace Talks Special
Tags: Peace Through Music, international, human rights, global, William Ury, Daniel Goleman, Rick Hanson, nature, environmental, disasters, children, Playing For Change
2011 – Season 9
Episode 93: January 2011 - United States Institute of Peace: A Profile
Tags: memorials, Washington, DC, National Mall, United States Institute of Peace, USIP, international, staff, national
Episode 94: February 2011 - Liu Xiaobo: Profile of the Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Tags: Nobel Peace Prize, Liu Xiaobo, China, literary critic, human rights activist, political, incarcerated, Jeffrey Yang, poetry, Tienchi Liao, Tiananmen Square
Episode 95: March 2011 - Peace Week 2010: A Virtual Gathering, Part One
Tags: conference, virtual, Shift Network, Peace Alliance, Peace Week, Stephen Dinan, Aqeela Sherrills, Kimmie Weeks, Ocean Robbins, Nobel Peace Laureate Betty Williams, economic, Steve Killelea, Audri Scott Williams, youth, Rich Dutra-St. John, U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Episode 96: April 2011 - Profile in Peace: Martti Ahtisaari, 2008 Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Tags: Martti Ahtisaari, Finland, President, international, mediation, negotiate, Namibia, Indonesia, Northern Ireland, Kosovo
Episode 97: May 2011 - Intervention to Stop Relationship Violence
Tags: domestic homicide, young people, relationship, stalker, school, breakup, David Wolfe, Alexandra Smith,New York, curriculum in middle schools
Episode 98: June 2011 - Alternatives to Violence in Prison
Tags: prison, Alternatives to Violence Project, AVP, prisoner, inmate, nonviolent, murder
Episode 99: July 2011 - Imagining a Peace Economy
Tags: military industrial complex, budget, defense, war, Center for Economic and Policy Research, economic, employment, Institute for Economics and Peace, Steve Killelea, United States Peace Index, Clyde McConaghy, Global Peace Index, Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, Afghanistan, Taliban, Women and Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign Relations
Episode 100: August 2011 - Healing Journeys Back to Vietnam
Tags: enemy, war, reconcile, Dr. Edward Tick, psychologist, Soldier's Heart, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, veterans, Vietnam, Al Plapp, Tommy Laughlin
Episode 101: September 2011 - The Peace Message in Classical Music
Tags: Jane Ellen, composer, performer, music, historian, classical, war, Beethoven, Vaughan Williams, Britten, Crumb
Episode 102: October 2011 - A Call for Interfaith Dialogue and Harmony
Tags: religion, liberty, tolerance, politics, media, conference, Liberty and Tolerance in an Age of Religious Conflict, Dr. Kelly James Clark, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Hedieh Mirahmadi, attorney, World Organization for Resource Development & Education, WORDE, Muslim, community, Dr. Nurit Peled-Elhanan, Jew, educator, Palestine, suicide bombing, Jerusalem, Israel, Dr. Nick Wolterstorff, Yale University, Society of Christian Philosophers
Episode 103: November 2011 - Peace on the Battlefield
Tags: battlefield, Christmas, truce, Europe, World War I, soldier, Stanley Weintraub, historian, Penn State, National Jubilee of Peace, Civil War, veteran, Bull Run, Manassas, Steve Pendlebury
Episode 104: December 2011 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2011 Peace Talks Special
Tags: Nobel Peace Prize, Martti Ahtisaari, Liu Xiaobo, domestic violence, dating violence, veteran, Vietnam, Alternatives to Violence, prison, Global Peace Index, economy, conference, religion, tolerance, classical music
Tags: memorials, Washington, DC, National Mall, United States Institute of Peace, USIP, international, staff, national
Episode 94: February 2011 - Liu Xiaobo: Profile of the Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Tags: Nobel Peace Prize, Liu Xiaobo, China, literary critic, human rights activist, political, incarcerated, Jeffrey Yang, poetry, Tienchi Liao, Tiananmen Square
Episode 95: March 2011 - Peace Week 2010: A Virtual Gathering, Part One
Tags: conference, virtual, Shift Network, Peace Alliance, Peace Week, Stephen Dinan, Aqeela Sherrills, Kimmie Weeks, Ocean Robbins, Nobel Peace Laureate Betty Williams, economic, Steve Killelea, Audri Scott Williams, youth, Rich Dutra-St. John, U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Episode 96: April 2011 - Profile in Peace: Martti Ahtisaari, 2008 Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Tags: Martti Ahtisaari, Finland, President, international, mediation, negotiate, Namibia, Indonesia, Northern Ireland, Kosovo
Episode 97: May 2011 - Intervention to Stop Relationship Violence
Tags: domestic homicide, young people, relationship, stalker, school, breakup, David Wolfe, Alexandra Smith,New York, curriculum in middle schools
Episode 98: June 2011 - Alternatives to Violence in Prison
Tags: prison, Alternatives to Violence Project, AVP, prisoner, inmate, nonviolent, murder
Episode 99: July 2011 - Imagining a Peace Economy
Tags: military industrial complex, budget, defense, war, Center for Economic and Policy Research, economic, employment, Institute for Economics and Peace, Steve Killelea, United States Peace Index, Clyde McConaghy, Global Peace Index, Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, Afghanistan, Taliban, Women and Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign Relations
Episode 100: August 2011 - Healing Journeys Back to Vietnam
Tags: enemy, war, reconcile, Dr. Edward Tick, psychologist, Soldier's Heart, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, veterans, Vietnam, Al Plapp, Tommy Laughlin
Episode 101: September 2011 - The Peace Message in Classical Music
Tags: Jane Ellen, composer, performer, music, historian, classical, war, Beethoven, Vaughan Williams, Britten, Crumb
Episode 102: October 2011 - A Call for Interfaith Dialogue and Harmony
Tags: religion, liberty, tolerance, politics, media, conference, Liberty and Tolerance in an Age of Religious Conflict, Dr. Kelly James Clark, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Hedieh Mirahmadi, attorney, World Organization for Resource Development & Education, WORDE, Muslim, community, Dr. Nurit Peled-Elhanan, Jew, educator, Palestine, suicide bombing, Jerusalem, Israel, Dr. Nick Wolterstorff, Yale University, Society of Christian Philosophers
Episode 103: November 2011 - Peace on the Battlefield
Tags: battlefield, Christmas, truce, Europe, World War I, soldier, Stanley Weintraub, historian, Penn State, National Jubilee of Peace, Civil War, veteran, Bull Run, Manassas, Steve Pendlebury
Episode 104: December 2011 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2011 Peace Talks Special
Tags: Nobel Peace Prize, Martti Ahtisaari, Liu Xiaobo, domestic violence, dating violence, veteran, Vietnam, Alternatives to Violence, prison, Global Peace Index, economy, conference, religion, tolerance, classical music
2012 – Season 10
Episode 105: January 2012 - Peace Ambassador Training
Tags: James O’Dea, online training, peace ambassador, Washington, DC, Amnesty International, Institute of Noetic Sciences, training, Eric Kasem, Taira St. John
Episode 106: February 2012 - Making Peace with Death and Dying
Tags: Karin Thron, death, loved one, caregiver, nurse, physician, hospice, Camille Adair, Paul Ingles, Denys Cope
Episode 107: March 2012 - Veterans Who Turn to Peacemaking
Tags: veteran, Veterans for Peace, armed services, war, Gulf War, Erik Gustafson, Education for Peace in Iraq Center, West Point, Iraq War, Captain Paul Chappell Episode 108: April 2012 - Creating Community Cohesion by Improving Food Security
Tags: safety, community, neighborhoods, food, food insecurity, neighborhoods, Albuquerque, New Mexico, West Oakland, California, Nikki Henderson, The People's Grocery, Jacqualine Thomas, food access, gardening, Veronica Apodaca, Amy Annexter Scott Episode 109: May 2012 - The History and Marketing of the Peace Symbol
Tags: peace symbol, history, marketing, Ken Kolsbun, Gerald Holtom, Ban the Bomb, protest march, Leigh Golterman, apparel, organization
Episode 110: June 2012 - Learning International Negotiation
Tags: training, US Institute of Peace, Washington, DC, SENSE, Strategic Economic Needs and Security Exercise, roles, leaders, government officials, non-governmental representatives, war, negotiate, Omar Samad, Afghani Ambassador, Canada, France
Episode 111: July 2012 - Peace Corps Voices
Tags: Amy Mayer, Peace Corps, volunteer, history, globe
Episode 112: August 2012 - Seeking Civility in Political Discourse
Tags: political campaign, civility, political discourse, election, Democratic, congressman, Tim Ryan, Ohio, Republican, congresswoman, Connie Morella, Maryland, media, Western Washington University, Michael Karlberg, Hakim Bellamy, Media Literacy Project, reporter, Art Schreiber, Congress
Episode 113: September 2012 - The Legacy of a Peace Camp for Middle-East Girls
Tags: non-profit, Creativity for Peace, camp, New Mexico, adolescent, girls, Middle East, enemy, leader, Palestine, Jwana Ghaleb, Israel, Jew, May Freed
Episode 114: October 2012 - The Decline in Violence & Dignity’s Role in Conflict Resolution
Tags: Harvard, Steven Pinker, violence, statistics, Donna Hicks, dignity, conflict resolution
Episode 115: November 2012 - Peace on the Battlefield
Tags: battlefield, Christmas, truce, Europe, World War I, soldier, Stanley Weintraub, historian, Penn State, National Jubilee of Peace, Civil War, veteran, Bull Run, Manassas, Steve Pendlebury
Episode 116: December 2012 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2012 Peace Talks Special
Tags: non-profit, Creativity for Peace, camp, New Mexico, adolescent, girls, Middle East, enemy, leader, Palestine, Jwana Ghaleb, Israel, Jew, May Freed, Karin Thron, death, loved one, caregiver, nurse, physician, hospice, Camille Adair, Paul Ingles, Denys Cope, ambassador, veteran, Veterans for Peace, armed services, war, Gulf War, Erik Gustafson, Education for Peace in Iraq Center, West Point, Iraq War, Captain Paul Chappell
Tags: James O’Dea, online training, peace ambassador, Washington, DC, Amnesty International, Institute of Noetic Sciences, training, Eric Kasem, Taira St. John
Episode 106: February 2012 - Making Peace with Death and Dying
Tags: Karin Thron, death, loved one, caregiver, nurse, physician, hospice, Camille Adair, Paul Ingles, Denys Cope
Episode 107: March 2012 - Veterans Who Turn to Peacemaking
Tags: veteran, Veterans for Peace, armed services, war, Gulf War, Erik Gustafson, Education for Peace in Iraq Center, West Point, Iraq War, Captain Paul Chappell Episode 108: April 2012 - Creating Community Cohesion by Improving Food Security
Tags: safety, community, neighborhoods, food, food insecurity, neighborhoods, Albuquerque, New Mexico, West Oakland, California, Nikki Henderson, The People's Grocery, Jacqualine Thomas, food access, gardening, Veronica Apodaca, Amy Annexter Scott Episode 109: May 2012 - The History and Marketing of the Peace Symbol
Tags: peace symbol, history, marketing, Ken Kolsbun, Gerald Holtom, Ban the Bomb, protest march, Leigh Golterman, apparel, organization
Episode 110: June 2012 - Learning International Negotiation
Tags: training, US Institute of Peace, Washington, DC, SENSE, Strategic Economic Needs and Security Exercise, roles, leaders, government officials, non-governmental representatives, war, negotiate, Omar Samad, Afghani Ambassador, Canada, France
Episode 111: July 2012 - Peace Corps Voices
Tags: Amy Mayer, Peace Corps, volunteer, history, globe
Episode 112: August 2012 - Seeking Civility in Political Discourse
Tags: political campaign, civility, political discourse, election, Democratic, congressman, Tim Ryan, Ohio, Republican, congresswoman, Connie Morella, Maryland, media, Western Washington University, Michael Karlberg, Hakim Bellamy, Media Literacy Project, reporter, Art Schreiber, Congress
Episode 113: September 2012 - The Legacy of a Peace Camp for Middle-East Girls
Tags: non-profit, Creativity for Peace, camp, New Mexico, adolescent, girls, Middle East, enemy, leader, Palestine, Jwana Ghaleb, Israel, Jew, May Freed
Episode 114: October 2012 - The Decline in Violence & Dignity’s Role in Conflict Resolution
Tags: Harvard, Steven Pinker, violence, statistics, Donna Hicks, dignity, conflict resolution
Episode 115: November 2012 - Peace on the Battlefield
Tags: battlefield, Christmas, truce, Europe, World War I, soldier, Stanley Weintraub, historian, Penn State, National Jubilee of Peace, Civil War, veteran, Bull Run, Manassas, Steve Pendlebury
Episode 116: December 2012 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2012 Peace Talks Special
Tags: non-profit, Creativity for Peace, camp, New Mexico, adolescent, girls, Middle East, enemy, leader, Palestine, Jwana Ghaleb, Israel, Jew, May Freed, Karin Thron, death, loved one, caregiver, nurse, physician, hospice, Camille Adair, Paul Ingles, Denys Cope, ambassador, veteran, Veterans for Peace, armed services, war, Gulf War, Erik Gustafson, Education for Peace in Iraq Center, West Point, Iraq War, Captain Paul Chappell
2013 – Season 11
Episode 117: January 2013 - Ten Years of Peace Talks Radio, Part One
Tags: Jimmy Carter, Jody Williams, Daniel Goleman, John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Martin Luther King, Jr., Marshall Rosenberg, Byron Katie, Peace Talks Radio
Episode 118: February 2013 - Restorative Justice
Tags: restorative justice, crime, punishment, offenders, victims, restitution, Eric Butler, Rose Gordon
Episode 119: March 2013 - Peace Elders, Part Two
Tags: elders, Mildred Norman, campaign, Peace Pilgrim, Zak Rosen, El Salvador, war, Central American, Catholic, nun, Peggy O’Neill, Megan Kamerick, Suchitoto, community
Episode 120: April 2013 - The Mother's Day Peace Proclamation
Tags: Julia Ward Howe, Proclamation for Peace, Mother's Day, disarmament, Kate Stickley, Jane Smith Bernhardt
Episode 121: May 2013 - Ten Years of Peace Talks Radio, Part Two
Tags: Mairead Mcguire, Jorge Rubio, Jwana Ghaleb, Rick Steves, Eboo Patel, Pico Iyer, Dan Siegel, Frank Tolardo, Phil Perea, James Alexander, Peace Talks Radio
Episode 122: June 2013 - Peace Journalism
Tags: journalism, war, Steve Youngblood, Gloria Laker, David Freudberg, Uganda, Center for Global Peace Journalism
Episode 123: July 2013 - Working for Peace after Gun Violence
Tags: gun violence, grief, fear, Colin Goddard, survivor, Virginia Tech, kill, background checks, Annette Nance-Holt, mother, Purpose Over Pain, children, gang, Scott Cameron, Albuquerque, father, Sandy Hook Elementary, school, community
Episode 124 - August 2013 - Recalling Mandela
Tags: Nelson Mandela, resistance, government, apartheid, South Africa, prison, jail, political, African National Congress, negotiate, president, Joe Richman, Mandela: An Audio History
Episode 125: September 2013 - Top Peace Songs
Tags: song, music, Leon Russell, U2, Cat Stevens, John Lennon, George Harrison, John Mellencamp, Eurythmics, Lenny Kravitz, Nick Lowe
Episode 126: October 2013 - A Domestic Violence Story
Tags: violence, men, domestic violence, Duluth Model, Domestic Abuse Intervention, Minnesota, offenders, victims, Robert King, Scott Miller, Melissa Scaia
Episode 127: November 2013 - Three Peace Books
Tags: book, e-book, young people, Alex Paramo, Princess Marisol and the Moon Thieves, children, multi-culturalism, cooperation, forgiveness, Shawn Achor, Before Happiness, John Dear, The Nonviolent Life
Episode 128: December 2013 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2013 Peace Talks Special
Tags: restorative justice, peace journalism, activism, gun violence, domestic violence, Mothers' Day, Nelson Mandela, Peace Pilgrim, Sister Peggy O'Neill, Peace Songs
Tags: Jimmy Carter, Jody Williams, Daniel Goleman, John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Martin Luther King, Jr., Marshall Rosenberg, Byron Katie, Peace Talks Radio
Episode 118: February 2013 - Restorative Justice
Tags: restorative justice, crime, punishment, offenders, victims, restitution, Eric Butler, Rose Gordon
Episode 119: March 2013 - Peace Elders, Part Two
Tags: elders, Mildred Norman, campaign, Peace Pilgrim, Zak Rosen, El Salvador, war, Central American, Catholic, nun, Peggy O’Neill, Megan Kamerick, Suchitoto, community
Episode 120: April 2013 - The Mother's Day Peace Proclamation
Tags: Julia Ward Howe, Proclamation for Peace, Mother's Day, disarmament, Kate Stickley, Jane Smith Bernhardt
Episode 121: May 2013 - Ten Years of Peace Talks Radio, Part Two
Tags: Mairead Mcguire, Jorge Rubio, Jwana Ghaleb, Rick Steves, Eboo Patel, Pico Iyer, Dan Siegel, Frank Tolardo, Phil Perea, James Alexander, Peace Talks Radio
Episode 122: June 2013 - Peace Journalism
Tags: journalism, war, Steve Youngblood, Gloria Laker, David Freudberg, Uganda, Center for Global Peace Journalism
Episode 123: July 2013 - Working for Peace after Gun Violence
Tags: gun violence, grief, fear, Colin Goddard, survivor, Virginia Tech, kill, background checks, Annette Nance-Holt, mother, Purpose Over Pain, children, gang, Scott Cameron, Albuquerque, father, Sandy Hook Elementary, school, community
Episode 124 - August 2013 - Recalling Mandela
Tags: Nelson Mandela, resistance, government, apartheid, South Africa, prison, jail, political, African National Congress, negotiate, president, Joe Richman, Mandela: An Audio History
Episode 125: September 2013 - Top Peace Songs
Tags: song, music, Leon Russell, U2, Cat Stevens, John Lennon, George Harrison, John Mellencamp, Eurythmics, Lenny Kravitz, Nick Lowe
Episode 126: October 2013 - A Domestic Violence Story
Tags: violence, men, domestic violence, Duluth Model, Domestic Abuse Intervention, Minnesota, offenders, victims, Robert King, Scott Miller, Melissa Scaia
Episode 127: November 2013 - Three Peace Books
Tags: book, e-book, young people, Alex Paramo, Princess Marisol and the Moon Thieves, children, multi-culturalism, cooperation, forgiveness, Shawn Achor, Before Happiness, John Dear, The Nonviolent Life
Episode 128: December 2013 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2013 Peace Talks Special
Tags: restorative justice, peace journalism, activism, gun violence, domestic violence, Mothers' Day, Nelson Mandela, Peace Pilgrim, Sister Peggy O'Neill, Peace Songs
2014 – Season 12
Episode 129: January 2014 - MLK: Three Landmark Speeches
Tags: Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. Vincent Harding, Illiff School of Theology, Denver, Colorado, Dr. Clayborne Carson, Coretta Scott King, King Papers Project, Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute, Stanford University, King’s last address, Memphis, Beyond Vietnam, Vietnam War, Selma, Montgomery, march, voting rights, equality, African Americans
Episode 130: February 2014 - A Concert for Peace
Tags: concert, Peace Talks Radio, Mary Gauthier, Iraq, oud, Rahim Alhaj, Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder
Episode 131: March 2014 - The Nonviolent Path of Cesar Chavez
Tags: leadership, United Farm Workers, Cesar Chavez, commitment, nonviolent, resistance, racial, justice, Dolores Huerta, Jose-Antonio Orosco, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., political
Episode 132: April 2014 - Hiroshima Survivor / Miep Gies on Anne Frank / Foreign Aid
Tags: World War II, Japan, atomic bomb, Hiroshima, Pacific, nuclear, weapon, Miep Gies, Anne Frank, family, Nazi, diary, foreign aid, Jamie Drummond
Episode 133: May 2014 - Making Peace with Disability
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Peace Talks Radio, disability, AVM, arteriovenous malformation, disabled, non-disabled, conference, spinal injury, Dr. Susan Stuntzner
Episode 134: June 2014 - Conscientious Objectors in the Volunteer Military Service
Tags: conscientious objector, volunteer, military service, CO, application, Navy, Center on Conscience and War, Maria Santelli, Dante Searcy, Fanny Garcia
Episode 135: July 2014 - Compassion and Empathy Thwart School Shooter
Tags: school, Antoinette Tuff, Atlanta, school, student, rifle, community, mourning, shooter, gun, empathy, compassion, nonviolent, communication, NVC, Jorge Rubio
Episode 136: August 2014 - Raising Boys, Part One
Tags: raising boys, boys, young men, violence, crime, sexual domination, male, murder, parents, community, San Francisco, teacher, Dr. Joseph Marshall, Omega Boys Club, Street Soldiers, Dr. Victor La Cerva, New Mexico Men’s Wellness, Dr. Lise Eliot, Chicago Medical School, brain, hormones, neuroscientist
Episode 137: September 2014 - Raising Boys, Part Two
Tags: raising boys, boys, young men, violence, crime, sexual domination, male, murder, parents, community, San Francisco, teacher, Dr. Joseph Marshall, Omega Boys Club, Street Soldiers, Dr. Victor La Cerva, New Mexico Men’s Wellness, Dr. Lise Eliot, Chicago Medical School, brain, sex, sex-related crime, stalker, domestic violence, rapes, shooting, misogyny, Santa Barbara, sexual myths, media, sexual objectification, gender inequality, hormones, neuroscientist
Episode 138: October 2014 - Sports as Peacemaking
Tags: sports, sports star, Rus Bradburd, Len Elmore, Doug Harris, athlete, Basketball in the Barrio, Athletes United for Peace, NBA, Peace Players
Episode 139: November 2014 - Peacemaking and the Roosevelts
Tags: Roosevelts, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Nobel Peace Prize, war, human rights, Charles Doleac, Dr. Allida Black, negotiate, Portsmouth Treaty, conservation, Russia, Japan, diplomacy, political, United Nations
Episode 140: December 2014 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2014 Peace Talks Special
Tags: PART ONE: Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. Vincent Harding, Illiff School of Theology, Denver, Colorado, Dr. Clayborne Carson, Coretta Scott King, King Papers Project, Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute, Stanford University, King’s last address, Memphis, Beyond Vietnam, Vietnam War, Selma, Montgomery, march, voting rights, equality, African Americans, United Farm Workers, Cesar Chavez, commitment, nonviolent, resistance, racial, justice, Dolores Huerta, Jose-Antonio Orosco, Suzanne Kryder, Peace Talks Radio, disability, AVM, arteriovenous malformation, disabled, non-disabled, spinal injury, Dr. Susan Stuntzner, conscientious objector, volunteer, military service, CO, Navy, Center on Conscience and War, Maria Santelli, Dante Searcy, Fanny Garcia, Muhammad Ali, school shooting, Antoinette Tuff, Atlanta, empathy, compassion, nonviolent communication, raising boys, boys, young men, violence, crime, sexual domination, male, murder, parents, San Francisco, teacher, Dr. Joseph Marshall, Omega Boys Club, Street Soldiers, Dr. Victor La Cerva, New Mexico Men’s Wellness, Dr. Lise Eliot, Chicago Medical School, brain science, hormones, neuroscientist, Roosevelts, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Nobel Peace Prize, war, human rights, Charles Doleac, Dr. Allida Black, negotiate, Portsmouth Treaty, conservation, Russia, Japan, diplomacy, political, United Nations PART TWO: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, So Horie, Miep Gies, Anne Frank, Len Elmore, Doug Harris
Tags: Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. Vincent Harding, Illiff School of Theology, Denver, Colorado, Dr. Clayborne Carson, Coretta Scott King, King Papers Project, Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute, Stanford University, King’s last address, Memphis, Beyond Vietnam, Vietnam War, Selma, Montgomery, march, voting rights, equality, African Americans
Episode 130: February 2014 - A Concert for Peace
Tags: concert, Peace Talks Radio, Mary Gauthier, Iraq, oud, Rahim Alhaj, Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder
Episode 131: March 2014 - The Nonviolent Path of Cesar Chavez
Tags: leadership, United Farm Workers, Cesar Chavez, commitment, nonviolent, resistance, racial, justice, Dolores Huerta, Jose-Antonio Orosco, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., political
Episode 132: April 2014 - Hiroshima Survivor / Miep Gies on Anne Frank / Foreign Aid
Tags: World War II, Japan, atomic bomb, Hiroshima, Pacific, nuclear, weapon, Miep Gies, Anne Frank, family, Nazi, diary, foreign aid, Jamie Drummond
Episode 133: May 2014 - Making Peace with Disability
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Peace Talks Radio, disability, AVM, arteriovenous malformation, disabled, non-disabled, conference, spinal injury, Dr. Susan Stuntzner
Episode 134: June 2014 - Conscientious Objectors in the Volunteer Military Service
Tags: conscientious objector, volunteer, military service, CO, application, Navy, Center on Conscience and War, Maria Santelli, Dante Searcy, Fanny Garcia
Episode 135: July 2014 - Compassion and Empathy Thwart School Shooter
Tags: school, Antoinette Tuff, Atlanta, school, student, rifle, community, mourning, shooter, gun, empathy, compassion, nonviolent, communication, NVC, Jorge Rubio
Episode 136: August 2014 - Raising Boys, Part One
Tags: raising boys, boys, young men, violence, crime, sexual domination, male, murder, parents, community, San Francisco, teacher, Dr. Joseph Marshall, Omega Boys Club, Street Soldiers, Dr. Victor La Cerva, New Mexico Men’s Wellness, Dr. Lise Eliot, Chicago Medical School, brain, hormones, neuroscientist
Episode 137: September 2014 - Raising Boys, Part Two
Tags: raising boys, boys, young men, violence, crime, sexual domination, male, murder, parents, community, San Francisco, teacher, Dr. Joseph Marshall, Omega Boys Club, Street Soldiers, Dr. Victor La Cerva, New Mexico Men’s Wellness, Dr. Lise Eliot, Chicago Medical School, brain, sex, sex-related crime, stalker, domestic violence, rapes, shooting, misogyny, Santa Barbara, sexual myths, media, sexual objectification, gender inequality, hormones, neuroscientist
Episode 138: October 2014 - Sports as Peacemaking
Tags: sports, sports star, Rus Bradburd, Len Elmore, Doug Harris, athlete, Basketball in the Barrio, Athletes United for Peace, NBA, Peace Players
Episode 139: November 2014 - Peacemaking and the Roosevelts
Tags: Roosevelts, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Nobel Peace Prize, war, human rights, Charles Doleac, Dr. Allida Black, negotiate, Portsmouth Treaty, conservation, Russia, Japan, diplomacy, political, United Nations
Episode 140: December 2014 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2014 Peace Talks Special
Tags: PART ONE: Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. Vincent Harding, Illiff School of Theology, Denver, Colorado, Dr. Clayborne Carson, Coretta Scott King, King Papers Project, Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute, Stanford University, King’s last address, Memphis, Beyond Vietnam, Vietnam War, Selma, Montgomery, march, voting rights, equality, African Americans, United Farm Workers, Cesar Chavez, commitment, nonviolent, resistance, racial, justice, Dolores Huerta, Jose-Antonio Orosco, Suzanne Kryder, Peace Talks Radio, disability, AVM, arteriovenous malformation, disabled, non-disabled, spinal injury, Dr. Susan Stuntzner, conscientious objector, volunteer, military service, CO, Navy, Center on Conscience and War, Maria Santelli, Dante Searcy, Fanny Garcia, Muhammad Ali, school shooting, Antoinette Tuff, Atlanta, empathy, compassion, nonviolent communication, raising boys, boys, young men, violence, crime, sexual domination, male, murder, parents, San Francisco, teacher, Dr. Joseph Marshall, Omega Boys Club, Street Soldiers, Dr. Victor La Cerva, New Mexico Men’s Wellness, Dr. Lise Eliot, Chicago Medical School, brain science, hormones, neuroscientist, Roosevelts, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Nobel Peace Prize, war, human rights, Charles Doleac, Dr. Allida Black, negotiate, Portsmouth Treaty, conservation, Russia, Japan, diplomacy, political, United Nations PART TWO: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, So Horie, Miep Gies, Anne Frank, Len Elmore, Doug Harris
2015 – Season 13
Episode 141: February 2015 – Forgiveness and Redemption Following the Death of Amy Biehl
Tags: Amy Biehl, Linda Biehl, Peter Biehl, Easy Nofemela, Ntobeko Peni, South Africa, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Apartheid, Megan Kamerick, Paul Ingles, Marina Cantacuzino, The Forgiveness Project, Forgiveness, PAC
Episode 142: March 2015 – Indigenous Experiences, Values and Peacemaking
Tags: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, “An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States”, Greg Grey Cloud, Rosebud Sioux/ Lakota, Dakota, Valerie Siow, Laguna, Native, Native American, Indigenous, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Colonialism, John Smith, Plymouth, Jamestown, Wica Agli, Native Resistance, Native Rights
Episode 143: April 2015 – Love or Fear: Which Motivates Us Most?
Tags: Alice Martin, Jamie Robertson, Jason Steck, Therese Helker, Paul Terry, Jennifer Nelson, John Forte, Paul Ingles, Evan Johnson, Great American Think-Off, Love, Fear
Episode 144: May 2015 – Considering Loneliness
Tags: Louise Hawkley, Steven Asher, Bella DePaulo, Robert Thomson, Loneliness, John Cacioppo, Loners, Loner, mass shootings, Paul Ingles
Episode 145: June 2015 – Improving The Relationship Between Citizens and Police
Tags: Zack Reed, Glenn Ivey, Greg Saville, Karen Fischer, Mike Scott, Steven Herbert, James Ginger, Albuquerque Police, Cleveland, Maryland, Police, Community Policing, Police Shootings, Police Brutality, Paul Ingles, Tom Joles
Episode 146: July 2015 - Reducing Sibling Rivalry
Tags: Jeanne Safer, Nick Chiles, Denene Millner, Samuel Roll, Suzanne Kryder, Cain and Abel, Siblings, Adult Siblings, Sibling Rivalry, Paul Ingles, Cain's Legacy
Episode 147: August 2015 – History of Peace Studies & “Peace Pedalers”
Tags: Charles Howlett, Leverett Millen, Victoria Tercero, West Mesa High School, Peace Club, Peace Studies, Jamie Bianchini, Peace Pedalers, Bicycle Built for Two Billion, Molloy College, Paul Ingles
Episode 148: September 2015 – A “Cure” For Violence? & An Historical Take from Ray McGovern
Tags: Gary Slutkin, Ray McGovern, Cure Violence, Jimmy Carter, Kellogg-Briand Act, Richard Nixon, Barack Obama, Paul Ingles
Episode 149: October 2015 – Doing Business with Compassion
Tags: Robin Seydel, Jeff Marcous, Moira Birss, La Montanita Co-op, Dharma Merchant Services, Peace Brigades International, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Fair Trade, Lush Corporation, B-Corporation, Benefit Corporation, Business, Corporate Peacemaking
Episode 150: November 2015 – The Study and Practice of Nonviolent Resistance
Tags: Erica Chenoweth, Maria Stephan, Ken Butigan, Pace Benne, nonviolent action, nonviolence, civil disobedience, Carol Boss, Paul Ingles, Civil Disobedience. The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict, Why Civil Resistance Works
Episode 151: December 2015 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2015 Peace Talks Special
Tags: Amy Biehl, Linda Biehl, Peter Biehl, Easy Nofemela, Ntobeko Peni, South Africa, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Apartheid, Megan Kamerick, Paul Ingles, Marina Cantacuzino, The Forgiveness Project, Forgiveness, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, “An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States”, Greg Grey Cloud, Rosebud Sioux/Lakota, Dakota, Valerie Siow, Laguna, Native, Native American, Indigenous, Suzanne Kryder, Colonialism, John Smith, Plymouth, Jamestown, Wica Agli, Native Resistance, Native Rights, Alice Martin, Jamie Robertson, Jason Steck, Therese Helker, Paul Terry, Jennifer Nelson, John Forte, Evan Johnson, Great American Think-Off, Love, Fear,Louise Hawkley, Steven Asher, Bella DePaulo, Robert Thomson,
Loneliness, John Cacioppo, Loners, Loner, mass shootings, Zack Reed, Glenn Ivey, Greg Saville, Karen Fischer, Mike Scott, Steven Herbert, James Ginger, Albuquerque Police, Cleveland, Maryland, Police, Community Policing, Police Shootings, Police Brutality, Tom Joles, Jeanne Safer, Nick Chiles, Denene Millner, Samuel Roll, Cain and Abel, Siblings, Adult Siblings, Sibling Rivalry, Cain's Legacy, Charles Howlett, Leverett Millen, Victoria Tercero, West Mesa High School, Peace Club, Peace Studies, Jamie Bianchini, Peace Pedalers, Bicycle Built for Two Billion, Molloy College, Gary Slutkin, Ray McGovern, Cure Violence, Jimmy Carter, Kellogg-Briand Act, Richard Nixon, Barack Obama, Robin Seydel, Jeff Marcous, Moira Birss, La Montanita Co-op, Dharma Merchant Services, Peace Brigades International, Fair Trade, Lush Corporation, B-Corporation, Benefit Corporation, Business, Corporate Peacemaking, Erica Chenoweth, Maria Stephan, Ken Butigan, Pace Benne, nonviolent action, nonviolence, civil disobedience, Carol Boss, Civil Disobedience. The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict, Why Civil Resistance Works
Tags: Amy Biehl, Linda Biehl, Peter Biehl, Easy Nofemela, Ntobeko Peni, South Africa, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Apartheid, Megan Kamerick, Paul Ingles, Marina Cantacuzino, The Forgiveness Project, Forgiveness, PAC
Episode 142: March 2015 – Indigenous Experiences, Values and Peacemaking
Tags: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, “An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States”, Greg Grey Cloud, Rosebud Sioux/ Lakota, Dakota, Valerie Siow, Laguna, Native, Native American, Indigenous, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Colonialism, John Smith, Plymouth, Jamestown, Wica Agli, Native Resistance, Native Rights
Episode 143: April 2015 – Love or Fear: Which Motivates Us Most?
Tags: Alice Martin, Jamie Robertson, Jason Steck, Therese Helker, Paul Terry, Jennifer Nelson, John Forte, Paul Ingles, Evan Johnson, Great American Think-Off, Love, Fear
Episode 144: May 2015 – Considering Loneliness
Tags: Louise Hawkley, Steven Asher, Bella DePaulo, Robert Thomson, Loneliness, John Cacioppo, Loners, Loner, mass shootings, Paul Ingles
Episode 145: June 2015 – Improving The Relationship Between Citizens and Police
Tags: Zack Reed, Glenn Ivey, Greg Saville, Karen Fischer, Mike Scott, Steven Herbert, James Ginger, Albuquerque Police, Cleveland, Maryland, Police, Community Policing, Police Shootings, Police Brutality, Paul Ingles, Tom Joles
Episode 146: July 2015 - Reducing Sibling Rivalry
Tags: Jeanne Safer, Nick Chiles, Denene Millner, Samuel Roll, Suzanne Kryder, Cain and Abel, Siblings, Adult Siblings, Sibling Rivalry, Paul Ingles, Cain's Legacy
Episode 147: August 2015 – History of Peace Studies & “Peace Pedalers”
Tags: Charles Howlett, Leverett Millen, Victoria Tercero, West Mesa High School, Peace Club, Peace Studies, Jamie Bianchini, Peace Pedalers, Bicycle Built for Two Billion, Molloy College, Paul Ingles
Episode 148: September 2015 – A “Cure” For Violence? & An Historical Take from Ray McGovern
Tags: Gary Slutkin, Ray McGovern, Cure Violence, Jimmy Carter, Kellogg-Briand Act, Richard Nixon, Barack Obama, Paul Ingles
Episode 149: October 2015 – Doing Business with Compassion
Tags: Robin Seydel, Jeff Marcous, Moira Birss, La Montanita Co-op, Dharma Merchant Services, Peace Brigades International, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Fair Trade, Lush Corporation, B-Corporation, Benefit Corporation, Business, Corporate Peacemaking
Episode 150: November 2015 – The Study and Practice of Nonviolent Resistance
Tags: Erica Chenoweth, Maria Stephan, Ken Butigan, Pace Benne, nonviolent action, nonviolence, civil disobedience, Carol Boss, Paul Ingles, Civil Disobedience. The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict, Why Civil Resistance Works
Episode 151: December 2015 - Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2015 Peace Talks Special
Tags: Amy Biehl, Linda Biehl, Peter Biehl, Easy Nofemela, Ntobeko Peni, South Africa, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Apartheid, Megan Kamerick, Paul Ingles, Marina Cantacuzino, The Forgiveness Project, Forgiveness, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, “An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States”, Greg Grey Cloud, Rosebud Sioux/Lakota, Dakota, Valerie Siow, Laguna, Native, Native American, Indigenous, Suzanne Kryder, Colonialism, John Smith, Plymouth, Jamestown, Wica Agli, Native Resistance, Native Rights, Alice Martin, Jamie Robertson, Jason Steck, Therese Helker, Paul Terry, Jennifer Nelson, John Forte, Evan Johnson, Great American Think-Off, Love, Fear,Louise Hawkley, Steven Asher, Bella DePaulo, Robert Thomson,
Loneliness, John Cacioppo, Loners, Loner, mass shootings, Zack Reed, Glenn Ivey, Greg Saville, Karen Fischer, Mike Scott, Steven Herbert, James Ginger, Albuquerque Police, Cleveland, Maryland, Police, Community Policing, Police Shootings, Police Brutality, Tom Joles, Jeanne Safer, Nick Chiles, Denene Millner, Samuel Roll, Cain and Abel, Siblings, Adult Siblings, Sibling Rivalry, Cain's Legacy, Charles Howlett, Leverett Millen, Victoria Tercero, West Mesa High School, Peace Club, Peace Studies, Jamie Bianchini, Peace Pedalers, Bicycle Built for Two Billion, Molloy College, Gary Slutkin, Ray McGovern, Cure Violence, Jimmy Carter, Kellogg-Briand Act, Richard Nixon, Barack Obama, Robin Seydel, Jeff Marcous, Moira Birss, La Montanita Co-op, Dharma Merchant Services, Peace Brigades International, Fair Trade, Lush Corporation, B-Corporation, Benefit Corporation, Business, Corporate Peacemaking, Erica Chenoweth, Maria Stephan, Ken Butigan, Pace Benne, nonviolent action, nonviolence, civil disobedience, Carol Boss, Civil Disobedience. The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict, Why Civil Resistance Works
2016 – Season 14
Episode 152: January 2016 – A Peaceful Communication Checklist
Tags: Aaron Wolfe, Brian Urquhart, Daniel Goleman, Eric Kolvig, Byron Katie, Paul Chappell, Marshall Rosenberg, Azim Khamisa, Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Carol Boss, Nonviolent Communication, The Work, Ralph Bunche
Episode 153: February 2016 – The Neuroscience of Peacemaking
Tags: Mari Fitzduff, Emile Bruneau, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, peace, peacemakers, Northern Ireland, neuroscience, brain science, brains, bias, biases
Episode 154: March 2016 – Peaceful Meditation For School Kids
Tags: Scott Cameron, Jeff Rice, Families4Peace, Center for Wellness and Achievement In Education, Meditation, Transcendental Meditation, LovingKindess, Mindfulness, TM, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, peace
Episode 155: April 2016 – Peace in World History
Tags: Antony Adolf, Peter Stearns, Peace: A World History, A World History of Peace, Paul Ingles, peace
Episode 156: May 2016 – Peace Greats (Part 1)
Tags: peace, The Dalai Lama, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Paul Ingles, Carol Boss, Pico Iyer, Suzanne Kryder, Joe Richman, Arun Gandhi
Episode 157: June 2016 – Humanitarian Work For Peace
Tags: peace, Doctors Without Borders, Medicins Sans Frontieres, MSF, Suzanne Ceresko, Paul Ingles, Afghanistan, Syria, Dr. James Orbinski, Nobel Peace Prize, Peace Corps, Joseph Garcia, Dave Davenport, Lauren Koller, Arne Vanderburg, Jan Vanderburg, Carol Boss
Episode 158: July 2016 - (Encore Presentation of) Changing Minds during Election Season
Tags: political, voter, election, candidate, change minds, media, Rachel Gorlin, Howard Gardner, Harvard, Dave Straker
Episode 159: August 2016 – Finding Peace Around Political Polarization
Tags: peace, politics, political polarization, elections, government, Jessie Fields, Rob Karwath, Ravi Iyer, Suzanne Kryder, open primaries, primary elections, civility, “Speak The Truth”, Civility Project, Paul Ingles
Episode 160: September 2016 – Book Edition: “1941” & “The Beatitudes of Peace”
Tags: peace, WW2, WWII, nonintervention, isolationist, neutrality, Lindberg, FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Hitler, Germany, Japan, Marc Wortman, Shadow War, John Dear, Jesus Christ, Sermon on the Mount, Beatitudes, The Beatitudes of Peace
Episode 161: October 2016 – Communities Striving for Racial Equity
Tags: peace, race, racial equity, racism, bias, PICO, PICO Network, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Reverend Alvin Herring. Reverend Michael-Ray Mathews, Richard Wood, University of New Mexico, A Shared Future, Paul Ingles, faith-based community organizing, Ferguson
Episode 162: November 2016 – Peace Greats – Part Two
Tags: Mairead Maguire, Ralph Bunche, Muhammad Yunus, Jody Williams, Martti Ahtisaari, Liu Xiaobo, Jimmy Carter and Al Gore
Episode 163: December 2016 – Seeking Peace on Earth: A Peace Talks Radio Special (2016)
Tags: Aaron Wolfe, Brian Urquhart, Daniel Goleman, Eric Kolvig, Byron Katie, Paul Chappell, Marshall Rosenberg, Azim Khamisa, Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Carol Boss, Nonviolent Communication, The Work, Ralph Bunche, Mari Fitzduff, Emile Bruneau, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, peace, peacemakers, Northern Ireland, neuroscience, brain science, brains, bias, biases, Scott Cameron, Jeff Rice, Families4Peace, Center for Wellness and Achievement In Education, Meditation, Transcendental Meditation, LovingKindess, Mindfulness, TM, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, peace, Antony Adolf, Peter Stearns, Peace: A World History, A World History of Peace, Paul Ingles, peace, The Dalai Lama, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Paul Ingles, Carol Boss, Pico Iyer, Suzanne Kryder, Joe Richman, Arun Gandhi, Doctors Without Borders, Medicins Sans Frontieres, MSF, Suzanne Ceresko, Paul Ingles, Afghanistan, Syria, Dr. James Orbinski, Nobel Peace Prize, Peace Corps, Joseph Garcia, Dave Davenport, Lauren Koller, Arne Vanderburg, Jan Vanderburg, Carol Boss, political, voter, election, candidate, change minds, media, Rachel Gorlin, Howard Gardner, Harvard, Dave Straker, politics, political polarization, elections, government, Jessie Fields, Rob Karwath, Ravi Iyer, Suzanne Kryder, open primaries, primary elections, civility, “Speak The Truth”, Civility Project, Paul Ingles, WW2, WWII, nonintervention, isolationist, neutrality, Lindberg, FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Hitler, Germany, Japan, Marc Wortman, Shadow War, John Dear, Jesus Christ, Sermon on the Mount, Beatitudes, The Beatitudes of Peace, race, racial equity, racism, bias, PICO, PICO Network, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Reverend Alvin Herring. Reverend Michael-Ray Mathews, Richard Wood, University of New Mexico, A Shared Future, Paul Ingles, faith-based community organizing, Ferguson, Mairead Maguire, Ralph Bunche, Muhammad Yunus, Jody Williams, Martti Ahtisaari, Liu Xiaobo, Jimmy Carter and Al Gore
Tags: Aaron Wolfe, Brian Urquhart, Daniel Goleman, Eric Kolvig, Byron Katie, Paul Chappell, Marshall Rosenberg, Azim Khamisa, Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Carol Boss, Nonviolent Communication, The Work, Ralph Bunche
Episode 153: February 2016 – The Neuroscience of Peacemaking
Tags: Mari Fitzduff, Emile Bruneau, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, peace, peacemakers, Northern Ireland, neuroscience, brain science, brains, bias, biases
Episode 154: March 2016 – Peaceful Meditation For School Kids
Tags: Scott Cameron, Jeff Rice, Families4Peace, Center for Wellness and Achievement In Education, Meditation, Transcendental Meditation, LovingKindess, Mindfulness, TM, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, peace
Episode 155: April 2016 – Peace in World History
Tags: Antony Adolf, Peter Stearns, Peace: A World History, A World History of Peace, Paul Ingles, peace
Episode 156: May 2016 – Peace Greats (Part 1)
Tags: peace, The Dalai Lama, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Paul Ingles, Carol Boss, Pico Iyer, Suzanne Kryder, Joe Richman, Arun Gandhi
Episode 157: June 2016 – Humanitarian Work For Peace
Tags: peace, Doctors Without Borders, Medicins Sans Frontieres, MSF, Suzanne Ceresko, Paul Ingles, Afghanistan, Syria, Dr. James Orbinski, Nobel Peace Prize, Peace Corps, Joseph Garcia, Dave Davenport, Lauren Koller, Arne Vanderburg, Jan Vanderburg, Carol Boss
Episode 158: July 2016 - (Encore Presentation of) Changing Minds during Election Season
Tags: political, voter, election, candidate, change minds, media, Rachel Gorlin, Howard Gardner, Harvard, Dave Straker
Episode 159: August 2016 – Finding Peace Around Political Polarization
Tags: peace, politics, political polarization, elections, government, Jessie Fields, Rob Karwath, Ravi Iyer, Suzanne Kryder, open primaries, primary elections, civility, “Speak The Truth”, Civility Project, Paul Ingles
Episode 160: September 2016 – Book Edition: “1941” & “The Beatitudes of Peace”
Tags: peace, WW2, WWII, nonintervention, isolationist, neutrality, Lindberg, FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Hitler, Germany, Japan, Marc Wortman, Shadow War, John Dear, Jesus Christ, Sermon on the Mount, Beatitudes, The Beatitudes of Peace
Episode 161: October 2016 – Communities Striving for Racial Equity
Tags: peace, race, racial equity, racism, bias, PICO, PICO Network, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Reverend Alvin Herring. Reverend Michael-Ray Mathews, Richard Wood, University of New Mexico, A Shared Future, Paul Ingles, faith-based community organizing, Ferguson
Episode 162: November 2016 – Peace Greats – Part Two
Tags: Mairead Maguire, Ralph Bunche, Muhammad Yunus, Jody Williams, Martti Ahtisaari, Liu Xiaobo, Jimmy Carter and Al Gore
Episode 163: December 2016 – Seeking Peace on Earth: A Peace Talks Radio Special (2016)
Tags: Aaron Wolfe, Brian Urquhart, Daniel Goleman, Eric Kolvig, Byron Katie, Paul Chappell, Marshall Rosenberg, Azim Khamisa, Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Carol Boss, Nonviolent Communication, The Work, Ralph Bunche, Mari Fitzduff, Emile Bruneau, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, peace, peacemakers, Northern Ireland, neuroscience, brain science, brains, bias, biases, Scott Cameron, Jeff Rice, Families4Peace, Center for Wellness and Achievement In Education, Meditation, Transcendental Meditation, LovingKindess, Mindfulness, TM, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, peace, Antony Adolf, Peter Stearns, Peace: A World History, A World History of Peace, Paul Ingles, peace, The Dalai Lama, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Paul Ingles, Carol Boss, Pico Iyer, Suzanne Kryder, Joe Richman, Arun Gandhi, Doctors Without Borders, Medicins Sans Frontieres, MSF, Suzanne Ceresko, Paul Ingles, Afghanistan, Syria, Dr. James Orbinski, Nobel Peace Prize, Peace Corps, Joseph Garcia, Dave Davenport, Lauren Koller, Arne Vanderburg, Jan Vanderburg, Carol Boss, political, voter, election, candidate, change minds, media, Rachel Gorlin, Howard Gardner, Harvard, Dave Straker, politics, political polarization, elections, government, Jessie Fields, Rob Karwath, Ravi Iyer, Suzanne Kryder, open primaries, primary elections, civility, “Speak The Truth”, Civility Project, Paul Ingles, WW2, WWII, nonintervention, isolationist, neutrality, Lindberg, FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Hitler, Germany, Japan, Marc Wortman, Shadow War, John Dear, Jesus Christ, Sermon on the Mount, Beatitudes, The Beatitudes of Peace, race, racial equity, racism, bias, PICO, PICO Network, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Reverend Alvin Herring. Reverend Michael-Ray Mathews, Richard Wood, University of New Mexico, A Shared Future, Paul Ingles, faith-based community organizing, Ferguson, Mairead Maguire, Ralph Bunche, Muhammad Yunus, Jody Williams, Martti Ahtisaari, Liu Xiaobo, Jimmy Carter and Al Gore
2017 – Season 15
Episode 164: January 2017 – Peace Jobs + Revisiting War Zones
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, David Smith, Brian Gruber, peace, peacemakers, jobs, Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, peace books
Episode 165: February 2017 – Interfaith Understanding & An Artist Who Points To Peace
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Will Keepin, Paul Ré
Episode 166: March 2017 – Raising Girls (Part 1)
Tags: Michele Coleman, Lisa Damour, Lara Dotson Renta, Paul Ingles, parenting, teenagers, girls
Episode 167: April 2017 – Raising Girls (Part 2)
Tags: Michele Coleman, Lisa Damour, Lara Dotson Renta, Paul Ingles, parenting, teenagers, girls
Episode 168: May 2017 – From War Zone To Peace Work
Tags: Janessa Gans Wilder, Euphrates Institute, Iraq, CIA, Paul Ingles, Middle East
Episode 169: June 2017 – Is This What (Peaceful) Democracy Looks Like?
Tags: Nancy Molitor, Irene Greene, Bob Thomson, Suzanne Krdyer, Paul Ingles, Politics, Stress, Elections, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton
Episode 170: July 2017 – Peacemaking on Stage: OSLO
Tags: OSLO, Broadway, J.T. Rogers, Bartlett Sher, Paul Ingles, Jefferson Mays, Jennifer Eile
Episode 171: August 2017 - Liu Xiaobo: Profile of the Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Tags: Nobel Peace Prize, Liu Xiaobo, China, literary critic, human rights
activist, political, incarcerated, Jeffrey Yang, poetry, Tienchi Liao,
Tiananmen Square
Episode 172: September 2017 – Challenging Hate Speech
Tags: Brian Levin, John Dear, Tonya Covington, Paul Ingles, Frank Meeink, Nazis, Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, White Supremacy, Black Lives Matter, Protest
Episode 173: October 2017 – Population Growth and Peace
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Nazli Choucri, John Seager, Population Bomb, Population Growth, Children, Species Extinction
Episode 174: November 2017 - Massasoit's Peace Pact
Tags: Massasoit, Wampanoag, settlers, Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims,
Thanksgiving, peace treaty, Indian, Darius Coombs, Bob Charlesbois, Native
American, leader, Chris Eyre, We Shall Remain, Paul Ingles
Episode 175: December 2017 – Seeking Peace on Earth: A Peace Talks Radio Special (2017)
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Nazli Choucri, John Seager, Population Bomb, Population Growth, Children, Species Extinction, Brian Levin, John Dear, Tonya Covington, Frank Meeink, Nazis, Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, White Supremacy, Black Lives Matter, Protest, OSLO, Broadway, J.T. Rogers, Bartlett Sher, Jefferson Mays, Jennifer Eile, Nancy Molitor, Irene Greene, Bob Thomson, Politics, Stress, Elections, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Janessa Gans Wilder, Euphrates Institute, Iraq, CIA, Middle East, Michele Coleman, Lisa Damour, Lara Dotson Renta, parenting, teenagers, girls, Paul Ré, David Smith, Brian Gruber, peace, peacemakers, jobs, Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, peace books
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, David Smith, Brian Gruber, peace, peacemakers, jobs, Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, peace books
Episode 165: February 2017 – Interfaith Understanding & An Artist Who Points To Peace
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Will Keepin, Paul Ré
Episode 166: March 2017 – Raising Girls (Part 1)
Tags: Michele Coleman, Lisa Damour, Lara Dotson Renta, Paul Ingles, parenting, teenagers, girls
Episode 167: April 2017 – Raising Girls (Part 2)
Tags: Michele Coleman, Lisa Damour, Lara Dotson Renta, Paul Ingles, parenting, teenagers, girls
Episode 168: May 2017 – From War Zone To Peace Work
Tags: Janessa Gans Wilder, Euphrates Institute, Iraq, CIA, Paul Ingles, Middle East
Episode 169: June 2017 – Is This What (Peaceful) Democracy Looks Like?
Tags: Nancy Molitor, Irene Greene, Bob Thomson, Suzanne Krdyer, Paul Ingles, Politics, Stress, Elections, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton
Episode 170: July 2017 – Peacemaking on Stage: OSLO
Tags: OSLO, Broadway, J.T. Rogers, Bartlett Sher, Paul Ingles, Jefferson Mays, Jennifer Eile
Episode 171: August 2017 - Liu Xiaobo: Profile of the Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Tags: Nobel Peace Prize, Liu Xiaobo, China, literary critic, human rights
activist, political, incarcerated, Jeffrey Yang, poetry, Tienchi Liao,
Tiananmen Square
Episode 172: September 2017 – Challenging Hate Speech
Tags: Brian Levin, John Dear, Tonya Covington, Paul Ingles, Frank Meeink, Nazis, Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, White Supremacy, Black Lives Matter, Protest
Episode 173: October 2017 – Population Growth and Peace
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Nazli Choucri, John Seager, Population Bomb, Population Growth, Children, Species Extinction
Episode 174: November 2017 - Massasoit's Peace Pact
Tags: Massasoit, Wampanoag, settlers, Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims,
Thanksgiving, peace treaty, Indian, Darius Coombs, Bob Charlesbois, Native
American, leader, Chris Eyre, We Shall Remain, Paul Ingles
Episode 175: December 2017 – Seeking Peace on Earth: A Peace Talks Radio Special (2017)
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Nazli Choucri, John Seager, Population Bomb, Population Growth, Children, Species Extinction, Brian Levin, John Dear, Tonya Covington, Frank Meeink, Nazis, Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, White Supremacy, Black Lives Matter, Protest, OSLO, Broadway, J.T. Rogers, Bartlett Sher, Jefferson Mays, Jennifer Eile, Nancy Molitor, Irene Greene, Bob Thomson, Politics, Stress, Elections, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Janessa Gans Wilder, Euphrates Institute, Iraq, CIA, Middle East, Michele Coleman, Lisa Damour, Lara Dotson Renta, parenting, teenagers, girls, Paul Ré, David Smith, Brian Gruber, peace, peacemakers, jobs, Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, peace books
2018 – Season 16
Episode 176: January 2018 – Steering Our Youngsters Away From Sexual Misconduct
Tags: Kathryn Stamoulis, Jennifer Weeks, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Pornography, Sexual Advances, Sex Education, Parenting, Paul Ingles
Episode 177: February 2018 – Best of PEACE TALKS RADIO: 2013-2017
Tags: Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Carol Boss, Colin Goddard, Antoinette Tuff, Bob Thomson, Greg Saville, Joe Richman, Nelson Mandela, Peace Pilgrim, Martin Luther King Jr., Annette Nance-Holt, Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Erica Chenoweth, John Dear, Frank Meeink, JT Rogers, Bartlett Sher, Alvin Herring, Rob Karwath, Gary Slutkin.
Episode 178: March 2018 – Healing Trauma
Tags: Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Bessel van der Kolk, Matthew Sanford, Josephine Chase, Trauma, Yoga, Historical Trauma, Native-American, Africa-American, Chinese-American, Japanese-American
Episode 179: April 2018 – Humane Policing
Tags: Paul Ingles, Simon Drobik, Darron Spencer, Humane Policing, Undue Force, Police Brutality, Empathy, Listening, Albuquerque Police Department, Policing
Episode 180: May 2018 – Improving Empathy and Compassion in Health Care
Tags: Megan Kamerick, Dr. Rana Awdish, Dr. David Rakel, Dr. Marc J. Kahn, Empathy, Compassion, Health Care
Episode 181: June 2018 – Peacemaking in Hip-Hop
Tags: Brother Ali, Harry Allen, Hannah Colton, Paul Ingles, Music, Hip-Hop, Rap
Episode 182: July 2018 – Songwriting to Heal Trauma
Tags: Mary Gauthier, Paul Ingles, Playing For Change, Veterans, Trauma
Episode 183: August 2018 – Empathy and Peace Behavior
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Courtney Custer, Eric Butler, Sam Richards, Laurie Mulvey, Empathy, Roots of Empathy
Episode 184: September 2018 – Finding & Sustaining Peace
Tags: Megan Kamerick, Paul Ingles, Noga Harpaz, Raed al-Hadar, Israel, Palestine, Peter T. Coleman
Episode 185: October 2018 – More from “Playing for Change”: The Peace Through Music Project
Tags: Paul Ingles, Mark Johnson, Playing for Change, Peace Through Music, Music, Doobie Brothers, Keith Richards, Bono, Warren Haynes, Neville Brothers
Episode 186: November 2018 – Grappling with the Violence of Whiteness
Tags: Hannah Colton, John Biewan, Cheryl Matias, Frida Miles, Whiteness, Race, Racial Violence, Seeing White, Paul Ingles
Episode 187: December 2018 – Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2018 PEACE TALKS RADIO Special
Tags: Hannah Colton, John Biewan, Cheryl Matias, Frida Miles, Whiteness, Race, Racial Violence, Seeing White, Paul Ingles, Kathryn Stamoulis, Jennifer Weeks, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Pornography, Sexual Advances, Sex Education, Parenting, Suzanne Kryder, Bessel van der Kolk, Matthew Sanford, Josephine Chase, Trauma, Yoga, Historical Trauma, Native-American, Africa-American, Chinese-American, Japanese-American, Simon Drobik, Darron Spencer, Humane Policing, Undue Force, Police Brutality, Empathy, Listening, Albuquerque Police Department, Policing, Megan Kamerick, Dr. Rana Awdish, Dr. David Rakel, Dr. Marc J. Kahn, Empathy, Compassion, Health Care, Brother Ali, Harry Allen, Music, Hip-Hop, Rap, Mary Gauthier, Veterans, Trauma, Courtney Custer, Eric Butler, Sam Richards, Laurie Mulvey, Empathy, Roots of Empathy, Mark Johnson, Playing for Change, Peace Through Music, Music, Doobie Brothers, Keith Richards, Bono, Warren Haynes, Neville Brothers
Tags: Kathryn Stamoulis, Jennifer Weeks, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Pornography, Sexual Advances, Sex Education, Parenting, Paul Ingles
Episode 177: February 2018 – Best of PEACE TALKS RADIO: 2013-2017
Tags: Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Carol Boss, Colin Goddard, Antoinette Tuff, Bob Thomson, Greg Saville, Joe Richman, Nelson Mandela, Peace Pilgrim, Martin Luther King Jr., Annette Nance-Holt, Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Erica Chenoweth, John Dear, Frank Meeink, JT Rogers, Bartlett Sher, Alvin Herring, Rob Karwath, Gary Slutkin.
Episode 178: March 2018 – Healing Trauma
Tags: Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Bessel van der Kolk, Matthew Sanford, Josephine Chase, Trauma, Yoga, Historical Trauma, Native-American, Africa-American, Chinese-American, Japanese-American
Episode 179: April 2018 – Humane Policing
Tags: Paul Ingles, Simon Drobik, Darron Spencer, Humane Policing, Undue Force, Police Brutality, Empathy, Listening, Albuquerque Police Department, Policing
Episode 180: May 2018 – Improving Empathy and Compassion in Health Care
Tags: Megan Kamerick, Dr. Rana Awdish, Dr. David Rakel, Dr. Marc J. Kahn, Empathy, Compassion, Health Care
Episode 181: June 2018 – Peacemaking in Hip-Hop
Tags: Brother Ali, Harry Allen, Hannah Colton, Paul Ingles, Music, Hip-Hop, Rap
Episode 182: July 2018 – Songwriting to Heal Trauma
Tags: Mary Gauthier, Paul Ingles, Playing For Change, Veterans, Trauma
Episode 183: August 2018 – Empathy and Peace Behavior
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Courtney Custer, Eric Butler, Sam Richards, Laurie Mulvey, Empathy, Roots of Empathy
Episode 184: September 2018 – Finding & Sustaining Peace
Tags: Megan Kamerick, Paul Ingles, Noga Harpaz, Raed al-Hadar, Israel, Palestine, Peter T. Coleman
Episode 185: October 2018 – More from “Playing for Change”: The Peace Through Music Project
Tags: Paul Ingles, Mark Johnson, Playing for Change, Peace Through Music, Music, Doobie Brothers, Keith Richards, Bono, Warren Haynes, Neville Brothers
Episode 186: November 2018 – Grappling with the Violence of Whiteness
Tags: Hannah Colton, John Biewan, Cheryl Matias, Frida Miles, Whiteness, Race, Racial Violence, Seeing White, Paul Ingles
Episode 187: December 2018 – Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2018 PEACE TALKS RADIO Special
Tags: Hannah Colton, John Biewan, Cheryl Matias, Frida Miles, Whiteness, Race, Racial Violence, Seeing White, Paul Ingles, Kathryn Stamoulis, Jennifer Weeks, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Pornography, Sexual Advances, Sex Education, Parenting, Suzanne Kryder, Bessel van der Kolk, Matthew Sanford, Josephine Chase, Trauma, Yoga, Historical Trauma, Native-American, Africa-American, Chinese-American, Japanese-American, Simon Drobik, Darron Spencer, Humane Policing, Undue Force, Police Brutality, Empathy, Listening, Albuquerque Police Department, Policing, Megan Kamerick, Dr. Rana Awdish, Dr. David Rakel, Dr. Marc J. Kahn, Empathy, Compassion, Health Care, Brother Ali, Harry Allen, Music, Hip-Hop, Rap, Mary Gauthier, Veterans, Trauma, Courtney Custer, Eric Butler, Sam Richards, Laurie Mulvey, Empathy, Roots of Empathy, Mark Johnson, Playing for Change, Peace Through Music, Music, Doobie Brothers, Keith Richards, Bono, Warren Haynes, Neville Brothers
2019 – Season 17
Episode 188: January 2019 – Learning Mediation
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Anne Lightsey, Beulah John, Shane Baca, Matt Loehman, Liliana Urban, Paul Ingles, mediation, mediation training, mediation class
Episode 189: February 2019 – Immigration Compassion / Call For Peace Leaders
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Justin Remer-Thamert, Bawa Jain, Immigration, Interfaith, Peacemaking Tips, Responsible Leadership
Episode 190: March 2019 – A Peace Choir and A Peace Elder/Veteran/Activist
Tags: Megan Kamerick, Paul Ingles, New Mexico Peace Choir, Sally-Alice Thompson
Episode 191: April 2019 – Johnny Cash meets Richard Nixon / Nelson Mandela’s Ongoing Legacy
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sara Dosa, Johnny Cash, Richard Nixon, Nelson Mandela, Ndaba Mandela, Andrew Nalani, Teddy Warria, Judy Goldberg
Episode 192: May 2019 – Peacemaking in LGBTQ Communities
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sarah Holtz, Sierra Debrow, Anne-Marie Zanzal, Sally Michelle Jackson, LGBTQ
Episode 193: June2019 – Catholic Peacemaking Icons – Dorothy Day / Óscar Romero
Tags: Megan Kamerick, Óscar Romero, Dorothy Day, Sister Simone Campbell, Catholic, Nuns on the Bus, Paul Ingles, Catholic Worker, El Salvador
Episode 194: July 2019 – Reconciling Sexual Assault
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sarah Holtz, Stephanie Lepp, sexual assault, date rape, Reckonings, Lindsey Krinks, conflict resolution, de-escalation, Nashville, homeless
Episode 195: August 2019 – Learning Peace from History
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sarah Holtz, Marc Wortman, Jeffery Darensbourg, Charles Edell, History, History Majors, peacemaking in history
Episode 196: September – Economic Class Conflict – Haves vs. Have-nots
Tags: Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Tina Wright, Nick Hanauer, income inequality
Episode 197: October – Facing Our Fears: What’s Real & What’s Imagined?
Tags: Paul Ingles, Megan Kamerick, Janet Napolitano, Barry Glassner, Reggie Jackson, How Safe Are We?, The Culture of Fear, Homeland Security, Outsized Fear of Threat, Fear
Episode 198: November – Resolving Conflict, “Town Meeting” Style
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sarah Holtz, Susan Clark, Peter Ashton, Amy Kolb Noyes, Jessamyn West, Town Meeting, Vermont, Massachusetts
Episode 199: December 2019 – Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2019 PEACE TALKS RADIO Special
Tags: Anne Lightsey, Beulah John, Shane Baca, Matt Loehman, Liliana Urban, Paul Ingles, mediation, mediation training, mediation class, Suzanne Kryder, Justin Remer-Thamert, Bawa Jain, Immigration, Interfaith, Peacemaking Tips, Responsible Leadership, Megan Kamerick, New Mexico Peace Choir, Sally-Alice Thompson, Sara Dosa, Johnny Cash, Richard Nixon, Nelson Mandela, Ndaba Mandela, Andrew Nalani, Teddy Warria, Judy Goldberg, Sarah Holtz, Sierra Debrow, Anne-Marie Zanzal, Sally Michelle Jackson, LGBTQ, Óscar Romero, Dorothy Day, Sister Simone Campbell, Catholic, Nuns on the Bus, Catholic Worker, El Salvador, Stephanie Lepp, sexual assault, date rape, Reckonings, Lindsey Krinks, conflict resolution, de-escalation, Nashville, homeless, Marc Wortman, Jeffery Darensbourg, Charles Edell,History, History Majors, peacemaking in history, Tina Wright, Nick Hanauer, income inequality, Janet Napolitano, Barry Glassner, Reggie Jackson, How Safe Are We?, The Culture of Fear, Homeland Security, Outsized Fear of Threat, Fear, Susan Clark, Peter Ashton, Amy Kolb Noyes, Jessamyn West, Town Meeting, Vermont, Massachusetts
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Anne Lightsey, Beulah John, Shane Baca, Matt Loehman, Liliana Urban, Paul Ingles, mediation, mediation training, mediation class
Episode 189: February 2019 – Immigration Compassion / Call For Peace Leaders
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Justin Remer-Thamert, Bawa Jain, Immigration, Interfaith, Peacemaking Tips, Responsible Leadership
Episode 190: March 2019 – A Peace Choir and A Peace Elder/Veteran/Activist
Tags: Megan Kamerick, Paul Ingles, New Mexico Peace Choir, Sally-Alice Thompson
Episode 191: April 2019 – Johnny Cash meets Richard Nixon / Nelson Mandela’s Ongoing Legacy
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sara Dosa, Johnny Cash, Richard Nixon, Nelson Mandela, Ndaba Mandela, Andrew Nalani, Teddy Warria, Judy Goldberg
Episode 192: May 2019 – Peacemaking in LGBTQ Communities
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sarah Holtz, Sierra Debrow, Anne-Marie Zanzal, Sally Michelle Jackson, LGBTQ
Episode 193: June2019 – Catholic Peacemaking Icons – Dorothy Day / Óscar Romero
Tags: Megan Kamerick, Óscar Romero, Dorothy Day, Sister Simone Campbell, Catholic, Nuns on the Bus, Paul Ingles, Catholic Worker, El Salvador
Episode 194: July 2019 – Reconciling Sexual Assault
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sarah Holtz, Stephanie Lepp, sexual assault, date rape, Reckonings, Lindsey Krinks, conflict resolution, de-escalation, Nashville, homeless
Episode 195: August 2019 – Learning Peace from History
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sarah Holtz, Marc Wortman, Jeffery Darensbourg, Charles Edell, History, History Majors, peacemaking in history
Episode 196: September – Economic Class Conflict – Haves vs. Have-nots
Tags: Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Tina Wright, Nick Hanauer, income inequality
Episode 197: October – Facing Our Fears: What’s Real & What’s Imagined?
Tags: Paul Ingles, Megan Kamerick, Janet Napolitano, Barry Glassner, Reggie Jackson, How Safe Are We?, The Culture of Fear, Homeland Security, Outsized Fear of Threat, Fear
Episode 198: November – Resolving Conflict, “Town Meeting” Style
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sarah Holtz, Susan Clark, Peter Ashton, Amy Kolb Noyes, Jessamyn West, Town Meeting, Vermont, Massachusetts
Episode 199: December 2019 – Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2019 PEACE TALKS RADIO Special
Tags: Anne Lightsey, Beulah John, Shane Baca, Matt Loehman, Liliana Urban, Paul Ingles, mediation, mediation training, mediation class, Suzanne Kryder, Justin Remer-Thamert, Bawa Jain, Immigration, Interfaith, Peacemaking Tips, Responsible Leadership, Megan Kamerick, New Mexico Peace Choir, Sally-Alice Thompson, Sara Dosa, Johnny Cash, Richard Nixon, Nelson Mandela, Ndaba Mandela, Andrew Nalani, Teddy Warria, Judy Goldberg, Sarah Holtz, Sierra Debrow, Anne-Marie Zanzal, Sally Michelle Jackson, LGBTQ, Óscar Romero, Dorothy Day, Sister Simone Campbell, Catholic, Nuns on the Bus, Catholic Worker, El Salvador, Stephanie Lepp, sexual assault, date rape, Reckonings, Lindsey Krinks, conflict resolution, de-escalation, Nashville, homeless, Marc Wortman, Jeffery Darensbourg, Charles Edell,History, History Majors, peacemaking in history, Tina Wright, Nick Hanauer, income inequality, Janet Napolitano, Barry Glassner, Reggie Jackson, How Safe Are We?, The Culture of Fear, Homeland Security, Outsized Fear of Threat, Fear, Susan Clark, Peter Ashton, Amy Kolb Noyes, Jessamyn West, Town Meeting, Vermont, Massachusetts
2020 – Season 18
Episode 200: January 2020 – Profile in Peace: Jimmy Carter
Tags: Paul Ingles, Jimmy Carter, Stu Eizenstat
Episode 201: February 2020 – Conflicts Around Mental Illness
Tags: Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Sanjeet Sihota, Kermit Cole, Theda New Breast, Mental Illness, Mental Health
Episode 202: February 2020 – Preventing Violent Extremism
Tags: Paul Ingles, Megan Kamerick, Sarah Holtz, White Supremacy, Violent Extremism, Layla Saad, Myrieme Churchill, Parents for Peace
Episode 203: April 2020 – Ways to Mitigate Climate Anxiety
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sarah Holtz, Frances Roberts-Gregory, Monique Verdin, Peter Fimrite, STEM, Climate Change, Climate Crisis, Climate Anxiety
Episode 204: May 2020 – Surviving Hate Crimes / Media Literacy for Peace of Mind
Tags: Paul Ingles, Rob Williams, Judy Goldberg, Arjun Singh Sethi, Hate Crimes, Media Literacy, “Fake News”, Political Civility
Episode 205: June 2020 – Public Art and Conflict Resolution
Tags: Art, Conflict Resolution, Sarah Holtz,
Episode 206: JULY 2020 – Seeking Civility in Political Discourse
Tags: Political Civility, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Tasha Philpot, Jesse Baldwin-Philippi, Brent Hill
Episode 207: AUGUST 2020 – John Lewis: Profile in Peace
Tags: John Lewis, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Stephen Colbert, Jon Batiste, Paul Ingles, Civil Rights, Racism, Social Justice
Episode 208: SEPTEMBER 2020 – Native Peace Values / Reconciling Clergy Abuse
Tags: Megan Kamerick, Paul Ingles, Glenn Aparicio Parry, Oren Lyons, Turtle Clan, Onondaga, Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy, Stephanie Lepp, Susan Pavlak, Gil Gustafson, Clergy Sex Abuse
Episode 209: OCTOBER 2020 – Police De-escalation / Quakers in Costa Rica
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sarah Holtz, Scott Sharot, Robin Truesdale, Bill Adler, Dario Villalobos
Episode 210: NOVEMBER 2020 – Peacemaking When We Disagree
Tags: Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Roxy Manning, Rabbi Amy Eilberg, Dr. Srini Pillay, Nonviolent Communication, polarization
Episode 211: December 2020 – Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2020 PEACE TALKS RADIO Special
Tags: Paul Ingles, Jimmy Carter, Stu Eizenstat, Suzanne Kryder, Kermit Cole, Mental Illness, Mental Health, Megan Kamerick, Sarah Holtz, WhiteSupremacy, Violent Extremism, Layla Saad, Monique Verdin, Climate Change,
Climate Crisis, Climate Anxiety, Rob Williams, Judy Goldberg, Arjun Singh Sethi, Hate Crimes, Media Literacy, Brent Hill, Political Civility, John Lewis, Civil Rights, Racism, Social Justice, Glenn Aparicio Parry, Oren Lyons, Turtle Clan, Onondaga, Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy, Roxy Manning, Nonviolent Communication, polarization
Tags: Paul Ingles, Jimmy Carter, Stu Eizenstat
Episode 201: February 2020 – Conflicts Around Mental Illness
Tags: Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Sanjeet Sihota, Kermit Cole, Theda New Breast, Mental Illness, Mental Health
Episode 202: February 2020 – Preventing Violent Extremism
Tags: Paul Ingles, Megan Kamerick, Sarah Holtz, White Supremacy, Violent Extremism, Layla Saad, Myrieme Churchill, Parents for Peace
Episode 203: April 2020 – Ways to Mitigate Climate Anxiety
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sarah Holtz, Frances Roberts-Gregory, Monique Verdin, Peter Fimrite, STEM, Climate Change, Climate Crisis, Climate Anxiety
Episode 204: May 2020 – Surviving Hate Crimes / Media Literacy for Peace of Mind
Tags: Paul Ingles, Rob Williams, Judy Goldberg, Arjun Singh Sethi, Hate Crimes, Media Literacy, “Fake News”, Political Civility
Episode 205: June 2020 – Public Art and Conflict Resolution
Tags: Art, Conflict Resolution, Sarah Holtz,
Episode 206: JULY 2020 – Seeking Civility in Political Discourse
Tags: Political Civility, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Tasha Philpot, Jesse Baldwin-Philippi, Brent Hill
Episode 207: AUGUST 2020 – John Lewis: Profile in Peace
Tags: John Lewis, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Stephen Colbert, Jon Batiste, Paul Ingles, Civil Rights, Racism, Social Justice
Episode 208: SEPTEMBER 2020 – Native Peace Values / Reconciling Clergy Abuse
Tags: Megan Kamerick, Paul Ingles, Glenn Aparicio Parry, Oren Lyons, Turtle Clan, Onondaga, Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy, Stephanie Lepp, Susan Pavlak, Gil Gustafson, Clergy Sex Abuse
Episode 209: OCTOBER 2020 – Police De-escalation / Quakers in Costa Rica
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sarah Holtz, Scott Sharot, Robin Truesdale, Bill Adler, Dario Villalobos
Episode 210: NOVEMBER 2020 – Peacemaking When We Disagree
Tags: Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kryder, Roxy Manning, Rabbi Amy Eilberg, Dr. Srini Pillay, Nonviolent Communication, polarization
Episode 211: December 2020 – Seeking Peace on Earth: The 2020 PEACE TALKS RADIO Special
Tags: Paul Ingles, Jimmy Carter, Stu Eizenstat, Suzanne Kryder, Kermit Cole, Mental Illness, Mental Health, Megan Kamerick, Sarah Holtz, WhiteSupremacy, Violent Extremism, Layla Saad, Monique Verdin, Climate Change,
Climate Crisis, Climate Anxiety, Rob Williams, Judy Goldberg, Arjun Singh Sethi, Hate Crimes, Media Literacy, Brent Hill, Political Civility, John Lewis, Civil Rights, Racism, Social Justice, Glenn Aparicio Parry, Oren Lyons, Turtle Clan, Onondaga, Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy, Roxy Manning, Nonviolent Communication, polarization
2021 – Season 19
Episode 212: JANUARY 2021 – Confronting Suicide
Tags: Paul Ingles, Megan Kamerick, Hannah Colton, Ursula Whiteside, Bruce Shapiro, Suicide, Stress, Depression
Episode 213: FEBRUARY 2021 – Kindness & Compassion In Film Doc “The Antidote”
Tags: Paul Ingles, Kahane Cooperman, John Hoffman, The Antidote, DeAmon Harges, Sherry McIntyre
Episode 214: MARCH 2021 – Grassroots Storytelling Solutions To Systemic Conflicts
Tags: Sarah Holtz, Harriet Hendel, Tonika Johnson, Adriana Camarena, Paul Ingles, Gentrification, Restorative Justice, Systemic Racism, Poverty, Neghborhoods
Episode 215: APRIL 2021 – Healing a Country’s Wounds: Transitional Justice
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Nkechi-Taifa, Ruben Carranza, Sandy White Hawk, Transitional Justice, Truth and Reconciliation, Reparations, Paul Ingles
Episode 216: MAY 2021 – What to Do With Anger?
Tags: Megan Kamerick, Paul Ingles, Harriet Lerner, Todd Kashdan, Aaron Balick
Episode 217: JUNE 2021 – Musician/Activists for Social Change (Jackson Browne / Marvin Gaye / Harry Chapin)
Tags: Paul Ingles, Jackson Browne, Marvin Gaye, Harry Chapin, Jason Chapin, Bill Ayres, Rick Korn, Birgitta Johnson, Hannah Grantham
Episode 218: JULY 2021 – International Cities of Peace and More
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sarah Holtz, Fred Arment, James Siguru Wahutu, Rivera Sun, International Cities of Peace, Nonviolence News
Episode 219: AUGUST 2021 – Healing a Country’s Wounds with Public Dialogue
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Carolyn Lukensmeyer, Marion Sanchez, Carolyne Abdullah
Episode 220: SEPTEMBER 2021 – BOOK EDITION: The Efficacy of Social Movements & The Crisis of School Violence
Tags: Megan Kamerick, Brian Gruber, Mariana King, Social Movements, School Violence, Paul Ingles
Episode 221: OCTOBER 2021 – Healing A Country’s Wounds (Pt. 3) – Community Building
Tags: Dr. Ivis Garcia, Julie Garrow, Shani Graham, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Community Building, Healing Community
Episode 222: NOVEMBER 2021 – Advertising’s Threat to Personal Peace / Media Literacy Programs
Tags: Paul Ingles, Ben Boyington, Pamela Pereya, Allison Butler, Advertising, Media Literacy
Episode 223: DECEMBER 2021 – Seeking Peace on Earth: The Peace Talks Radio Special (2021)
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Megan Kamerick, Sarah Holtz, Dr. Ivis Garcia, Julie Garrow, Shani Graham, Community Building, Healing Community, Brian Gruber, Social Movements, Marion Sanchez, Carolyne Abdullah, Public Dialogue, Rivera Sun, International Cities of Peace, Nonviolence News, Jackson Browne, Aaron Balick, Anger, Nkechi-Taifa, Sandy White Hawk, Transitional Justice, Truth and Reconciliation, Reparations, Tonika Johnson, Gentrification, Restorative Justice, Systemic Racism, Poverty, Neighborhoods, Kahane Cooperman, John Hoffman, The Antidote, Hannah Colton, Ursula Whiteside, Suicide, Stress, Depression
Tags: Paul Ingles, Megan Kamerick, Hannah Colton, Ursula Whiteside, Bruce Shapiro, Suicide, Stress, Depression
Episode 213: FEBRUARY 2021 – Kindness & Compassion In Film Doc “The Antidote”
Tags: Paul Ingles, Kahane Cooperman, John Hoffman, The Antidote, DeAmon Harges, Sherry McIntyre
Episode 214: MARCH 2021 – Grassroots Storytelling Solutions To Systemic Conflicts
Tags: Sarah Holtz, Harriet Hendel, Tonika Johnson, Adriana Camarena, Paul Ingles, Gentrification, Restorative Justice, Systemic Racism, Poverty, Neghborhoods
Episode 215: APRIL 2021 – Healing a Country’s Wounds: Transitional Justice
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Nkechi-Taifa, Ruben Carranza, Sandy White Hawk, Transitional Justice, Truth and Reconciliation, Reparations, Paul Ingles
Episode 216: MAY 2021 – What to Do With Anger?
Tags: Megan Kamerick, Paul Ingles, Harriet Lerner, Todd Kashdan, Aaron Balick
Episode 217: JUNE 2021 – Musician/Activists for Social Change (Jackson Browne / Marvin Gaye / Harry Chapin)
Tags: Paul Ingles, Jackson Browne, Marvin Gaye, Harry Chapin, Jason Chapin, Bill Ayres, Rick Korn, Birgitta Johnson, Hannah Grantham
Episode 218: JULY 2021 – International Cities of Peace and More
Tags: Paul Ingles, Sarah Holtz, Fred Arment, James Siguru Wahutu, Rivera Sun, International Cities of Peace, Nonviolence News
Episode 219: AUGUST 2021 – Healing a Country’s Wounds with Public Dialogue
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Carolyn Lukensmeyer, Marion Sanchez, Carolyne Abdullah
Episode 220: SEPTEMBER 2021 – BOOK EDITION: The Efficacy of Social Movements & The Crisis of School Violence
Tags: Megan Kamerick, Brian Gruber, Mariana King, Social Movements, School Violence, Paul Ingles
Episode 221: OCTOBER 2021 – Healing A Country’s Wounds (Pt. 3) – Community Building
Tags: Dr. Ivis Garcia, Julie Garrow, Shani Graham, Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Community Building, Healing Community
Episode 222: NOVEMBER 2021 – Advertising’s Threat to Personal Peace / Media Literacy Programs
Tags: Paul Ingles, Ben Boyington, Pamela Pereya, Allison Butler, Advertising, Media Literacy
Episode 223: DECEMBER 2021 – Seeking Peace on Earth: The Peace Talks Radio Special (2021)
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Megan Kamerick, Sarah Holtz, Dr. Ivis Garcia, Julie Garrow, Shani Graham, Community Building, Healing Community, Brian Gruber, Social Movements, Marion Sanchez, Carolyne Abdullah, Public Dialogue, Rivera Sun, International Cities of Peace, Nonviolence News, Jackson Browne, Aaron Balick, Anger, Nkechi-Taifa, Sandy White Hawk, Transitional Justice, Truth and Reconciliation, Reparations, Tonika Johnson, Gentrification, Restorative Justice, Systemic Racism, Poverty, Neighborhoods, Kahane Cooperman, John Hoffman, The Antidote, Hannah Colton, Ursula Whiteside, Suicide, Stress, Depression
2022 – Season 20
Episode 224: JANUARY 2022 – Cities of Asylum for Artists, Writers, Journalists
Tags: Paul Ingles, Jonathan Miller, Pedro Molina, Henry Reese, Elisabeth Dyvik, Refugees, Political Prisoners
Episode 225: FEBRUARY 2022 – Role of Anarcho-Pacifism in Peace
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Nehal Patel, Joseph Llewellyn, Anarchy, Pacifism, Anarcho-Pacifism, Civil Disobedience, Protest
Episode 226: MARCH 2022 – Resolving Conflicts from Misinformation
Tags: Danielle Preiss, Paul Ingles, Dr. Michael Bang Petersen, Berhan Taye, Jerusalem Girmay, misinformation, disinformation, fake news, Ethiopia
Episode 227: April 2022 – Seeking Harmony for Global Asian Immigrants
Tags: Sen Zhan, Paul Ingles, Dr. Julian Xue, Sherry Yuan Hunter, Iris Chen, Asian-Americans, Pacific Islanders
Episode 228: May 2022 – Making Peace With Migration
Tags: Priyanka Shankar, Paul Ingles, Petra Molnar, Bram Frouws, Vasco Malta, Migration, Immigration, Europe, Ukraine
Episode 229: June 2022 – Improving the Peace Prize / International Crisis Group
Tags: Avishay Artsy, Paul Ingles, Dr. Kjetil Tronvoll, Nobel Peace Prize, Comfort Ero, International Crisis Group
Episode 230: July 2022 – Reducing Teen Break-up Violence
Tags: Yamini Ranjan, Dr. Malcolm Astley, Lauren Dunne Astley, Jessica Teperow, Nicole Daley, Paul Ingles, Dating Violence, Teen Issues, Break-up Violence
Episode 231: August 2022 – Sharing Living Space Peacefully (Part 1)
Tags: Sen Zhan, Paul Ingles, Maria Silvia, Karl Steyaert, Diana Leafe Christian, Laird Schaub, Co-habitating, Living Together, Personal Mediation, Roommates
Episode 232: September 2022 – Sharing Living Space Peacefully (Part 2)
Tags: Sen Zhan, Paul Ingles, Maria Silvia, Karl Steyaert, Diana Leafe Christian, Laird Schaub, Rosemarie Soucy, Personality Disorders, Co-habitating, Living Together, Personal Mediation, Roommates
Episode 233: October 2022 – Making Peace with our “News Anxiety”
Tags: Dana Rose Garfin, Ja’Nel Johnson Phillips, Eric Deggans, Danielle Preiss, Paul Ingles, News Anxiety, Media Literacy, Journalism, Solutions-Based Journalism
Episode 234: November 2022 – Seeking Peaceful Coexistence with Wildlife
Tags: Gerard Martin, Petros Chrysafis, Paul Pebsworth, Priyanka Shankar, Paul Ingles, Wildlife, Conservation, Snakes, Bears, Coyotes
Episode 235: December 2022 – Seeking Peace on Earth: A Peace Talks Radio Special (2022)
Tags: Paul Pebsworth, Priyanka Shankar, Wildlife, Conservation, Eric Deggans, Danielle Preiss, News Anxiety, Media Literacy, Journalism, Solutions-Based Journalism, Sen Zhan, Paul Ingles, Maria Silvia, Karl Steyaert, Co-habitating, Living Together, Personal Mediation, Roommates, Yamini Ranjan, Dr. Malcolm Astley, Lauren Dunne Astley, Dating Violence, Teen Issues, Break-up Violence, Avishay Artsy, Paul Ingles, Dr. Kjetil Tronvoll, Nobel Peace Prize, Vasco Malta, Migration, Immigration, Portugal, Iris Chen, Asian-Americans, Pacific Islanders, Michael Bang Petersen, misinformation, disinformation, fake news, Suzanne Kryder, Nehal Patel, Anarchy, Pacifism, Anarcho-Pacifism, Civil Disobedience, Protest, Mahatma Gandhi, Jonathan Miller, Pedro Molina, Refugees, Political Prisoners
Tags: Paul Ingles, Jonathan Miller, Pedro Molina, Henry Reese, Elisabeth Dyvik, Refugees, Political Prisoners
Episode 225: FEBRUARY 2022 – Role of Anarcho-Pacifism in Peace
Tags: Suzanne Kryder, Paul Ingles, Nehal Patel, Joseph Llewellyn, Anarchy, Pacifism, Anarcho-Pacifism, Civil Disobedience, Protest
Episode 226: MARCH 2022 – Resolving Conflicts from Misinformation
Tags: Danielle Preiss, Paul Ingles, Dr. Michael Bang Petersen, Berhan Taye, Jerusalem Girmay, misinformation, disinformation, fake news, Ethiopia
Episode 227: April 2022 – Seeking Harmony for Global Asian Immigrants
Tags: Sen Zhan, Paul Ingles, Dr. Julian Xue, Sherry Yuan Hunter, Iris Chen, Asian-Americans, Pacific Islanders
Episode 228: May 2022 – Making Peace With Migration
Tags: Priyanka Shankar, Paul Ingles, Petra Molnar, Bram Frouws, Vasco Malta, Migration, Immigration, Europe, Ukraine
Episode 229: June 2022 – Improving the Peace Prize / International Crisis Group
Tags: Avishay Artsy, Paul Ingles, Dr. Kjetil Tronvoll, Nobel Peace Prize, Comfort Ero, International Crisis Group
Episode 230: July 2022 – Reducing Teen Break-up Violence
Tags: Yamini Ranjan, Dr. Malcolm Astley, Lauren Dunne Astley, Jessica Teperow, Nicole Daley, Paul Ingles, Dating Violence, Teen Issues, Break-up Violence
Episode 231: August 2022 – Sharing Living Space Peacefully (Part 1)
Tags: Sen Zhan, Paul Ingles, Maria Silvia, Karl Steyaert, Diana Leafe Christian, Laird Schaub, Co-habitating, Living Together, Personal Mediation, Roommates
Episode 232: September 2022 – Sharing Living Space Peacefully (Part 2)
Tags: Sen Zhan, Paul Ingles, Maria Silvia, Karl Steyaert, Diana Leafe Christian, Laird Schaub, Rosemarie Soucy, Personality Disorders, Co-habitating, Living Together, Personal Mediation, Roommates
Episode 233: October 2022 – Making Peace with our “News Anxiety”
Tags: Dana Rose Garfin, Ja’Nel Johnson Phillips, Eric Deggans, Danielle Preiss, Paul Ingles, News Anxiety, Media Literacy, Journalism, Solutions-Based Journalism
Episode 234: November 2022 – Seeking Peaceful Coexistence with Wildlife
Tags: Gerard Martin, Petros Chrysafis, Paul Pebsworth, Priyanka Shankar, Paul Ingles, Wildlife, Conservation, Snakes, Bears, Coyotes
Episode 235: December 2022 – Seeking Peace on Earth: A Peace Talks Radio Special (2022)
Tags: Paul Pebsworth, Priyanka Shankar, Wildlife, Conservation, Eric Deggans, Danielle Preiss, News Anxiety, Media Literacy, Journalism, Solutions-Based Journalism, Sen Zhan, Paul Ingles, Maria Silvia, Karl Steyaert, Co-habitating, Living Together, Personal Mediation, Roommates, Yamini Ranjan, Dr. Malcolm Astley, Lauren Dunne Astley, Dating Violence, Teen Issues, Break-up Violence, Avishay Artsy, Paul Ingles, Dr. Kjetil Tronvoll, Nobel Peace Prize, Vasco Malta, Migration, Immigration, Portugal, Iris Chen, Asian-Americans, Pacific Islanders, Michael Bang Petersen, misinformation, disinformation, fake news, Suzanne Kryder, Nehal Patel, Anarchy, Pacifism, Anarcho-Pacifism, Civil Disobedience, Protest, Mahatma Gandhi, Jonathan Miller, Pedro Molina, Refugees, Political Prisoners
2023 – Season 21
Episode 1/236: January 2023 – 20 Years of Peace Talks Radio
Tags: Peacemaking, Nonviolence, Peace
Episode 2/237: February 2023 - Seeking Peace Over Oppression Through Theatre
Tags: Peacemaking, Nonviolence, Oppression, Theatre, Barbara Santos, Till Baumann, Sen Zhan
Episode 3/238: March 2023 - Being a Better Ally to the Oppressed
Tags: Agnieszka Bua, Margaret Amaka Ohia-Nowak, Kevin Groen, Sen Zhan, Allyship, DEI, oppression, prejudice.
Episode 4/239: April 2023 - Flipping Extremists To Bolster Peace
Tags: Pieter Van Ostaeyen, Elizabeth Pearson, Mubin Shaikh, Priyanka Shankar, violent extremism, terrorism, radicalization, counter-terrorism
Episode 5/240: May 2023 - Homelessness Through a Peacemaking Lens
Tags: Emily Cohen, Wren Fialka, Miranda Twitchell, Eva Thibadeau-Gracyk, Homelessness, Unhoused Populations, Housing, Compassion, Spread The Love Commission
Episode 6/241: June 2023 - Cultural Appropriation Consideration
Tags: Cultural Appropriation, Claudia A. Fox Tree, Harpinder Kaur Mann, Eve Dunbar, Yamini Ranjan, prejudice
Episode 7/242: July 2023 - Peacemaking in Relationships Amidst Health Challenges
Tags: Adrian de Villiers, Claudine de Villiers, Dani van Zyl, Emonie Carter-Hale, Julia Joubert, Paul Ingles, Health, Substance Abuse, Alcoholism
Episode 8/243: August 2023 - Truth and Reconciliation Commissions
Tags: Danielle Preiss, Elin Skaar, Ereshnee Naidu-Silverman, Gloria Ayee, Paul Ingles, Truth + Reconcilliation, Historical Trauma, Reparations
Episode 9/244: September 2023 - Peacemaking in Estranged Relationships
Tags: Tina Marie, Kreed Revere, Dr. Aileen Fullchange, Julia Joubert, Paul Ingles, estrangement, parents, siblings, friends, ghosting, loneliness, isolation, depression
Episode 10/245: October 2023 - Two Peace Books: David LaMotte - J. Lawrence Graham
Tags: David LaMotte, John Lawrence Graham, Priyanka Shankar, Paul Ingles, Charlotte's War, World Changing 101
Episode 11/246: November 2023 - Negotiating Towards Peace: To Release Hostages or Manage Our Daily Lives
Tags: Hillary Anger Elfenbein, Sue Williams, Thomas Olsson, Danielle Preiss, Paul Ingles, Hostage Negotiations, negotiating
Episode 12/247: December 2023 - Seeking Peace On Earth: A Peace Talks Radio Special (2023)
Tags: Peacemaking, Nonviolence, Oppression, Theatre, Barbara Santos, Till Baumann, Sen Zhan, Hillary Anger Elfenbein, Sue Williams, Thomas Olsson, Danielle Preiss, Paul Ingles, Hostage Negotiations, negotiating, David LaMotte, John Lawrence Graham, Priyanka Shankar, Charlotte's War, World Changing 101, Tina Marie, Kreed Revere, Dr. Aileen Fullchange, Julia Joubert, estrangement, parents, siblings, friends, ghosting, loneliness, isolation, depression, Elin Skaar, Ereshnee Naidu-Silverman, Gloria Ayee, Truth + Reconcilliation, Historical Trauma, Reparations, Adrian de Villiers, Claudine de Villiers, Dani van Zyl, Emonie Carter-Hale, Health, Substance Abuse, Alcoholism, Cultural Appropriation, Claudia A. Fox Tree, Harpinder Kaur Mann, Eve Dunbar, Yamini Ranjan, prejudice, Emily Cohen, Wren Fialka, Miranda Twitchell, Eva Thibadeau-Gracyk, Homelessness, Unhoused Populations, Housing, Compassion, Spread The Love Commission, Pieter Van Ostaeyen, Elizabeth Pearson, Mubin Shaikh, Priyanka Shankar, violent extremism, terrorism, radicalization, counter-terrorism, Peacemaking, Nonviolence, Peace, Peacemaking, Nonviolence, Oppression, Theatre, Barbara Santos, Till Baumann, Agnieszka Bua, Margaret Amaka Ohia-Nowak, Kevin Groen, Sen Zhan, Allyship, DEI, oppression, prejudice.
Tags: Peacemaking, Nonviolence, Peace
Episode 2/237: February 2023 - Seeking Peace Over Oppression Through Theatre
Tags: Peacemaking, Nonviolence, Oppression, Theatre, Barbara Santos, Till Baumann, Sen Zhan
Episode 3/238: March 2023 - Being a Better Ally to the Oppressed
Tags: Agnieszka Bua, Margaret Amaka Ohia-Nowak, Kevin Groen, Sen Zhan, Allyship, DEI, oppression, prejudice.
Episode 4/239: April 2023 - Flipping Extremists To Bolster Peace
Tags: Pieter Van Ostaeyen, Elizabeth Pearson, Mubin Shaikh, Priyanka Shankar, violent extremism, terrorism, radicalization, counter-terrorism
Episode 5/240: May 2023 - Homelessness Through a Peacemaking Lens
Tags: Emily Cohen, Wren Fialka, Miranda Twitchell, Eva Thibadeau-Gracyk, Homelessness, Unhoused Populations, Housing, Compassion, Spread The Love Commission
Episode 6/241: June 2023 - Cultural Appropriation Consideration
Tags: Cultural Appropriation, Claudia A. Fox Tree, Harpinder Kaur Mann, Eve Dunbar, Yamini Ranjan, prejudice
Episode 7/242: July 2023 - Peacemaking in Relationships Amidst Health Challenges
Tags: Adrian de Villiers, Claudine de Villiers, Dani van Zyl, Emonie Carter-Hale, Julia Joubert, Paul Ingles, Health, Substance Abuse, Alcoholism
Episode 8/243: August 2023 - Truth and Reconciliation Commissions
Tags: Danielle Preiss, Elin Skaar, Ereshnee Naidu-Silverman, Gloria Ayee, Paul Ingles, Truth + Reconcilliation, Historical Trauma, Reparations
Episode 9/244: September 2023 - Peacemaking in Estranged Relationships
Tags: Tina Marie, Kreed Revere, Dr. Aileen Fullchange, Julia Joubert, Paul Ingles, estrangement, parents, siblings, friends, ghosting, loneliness, isolation, depression
Episode 10/245: October 2023 - Two Peace Books: David LaMotte - J. Lawrence Graham
Tags: David LaMotte, John Lawrence Graham, Priyanka Shankar, Paul Ingles, Charlotte's War, World Changing 101
Episode 11/246: November 2023 - Negotiating Towards Peace: To Release Hostages or Manage Our Daily Lives
Tags: Hillary Anger Elfenbein, Sue Williams, Thomas Olsson, Danielle Preiss, Paul Ingles, Hostage Negotiations, negotiating
Episode 12/247: December 2023 - Seeking Peace On Earth: A Peace Talks Radio Special (2023)
Tags: Peacemaking, Nonviolence, Oppression, Theatre, Barbara Santos, Till Baumann, Sen Zhan, Hillary Anger Elfenbein, Sue Williams, Thomas Olsson, Danielle Preiss, Paul Ingles, Hostage Negotiations, negotiating, David LaMotte, John Lawrence Graham, Priyanka Shankar, Charlotte's War, World Changing 101, Tina Marie, Kreed Revere, Dr. Aileen Fullchange, Julia Joubert, estrangement, parents, siblings, friends, ghosting, loneliness, isolation, depression, Elin Skaar, Ereshnee Naidu-Silverman, Gloria Ayee, Truth + Reconcilliation, Historical Trauma, Reparations, Adrian de Villiers, Claudine de Villiers, Dani van Zyl, Emonie Carter-Hale, Health, Substance Abuse, Alcoholism, Cultural Appropriation, Claudia A. Fox Tree, Harpinder Kaur Mann, Eve Dunbar, Yamini Ranjan, prejudice, Emily Cohen, Wren Fialka, Miranda Twitchell, Eva Thibadeau-Gracyk, Homelessness, Unhoused Populations, Housing, Compassion, Spread The Love Commission, Pieter Van Ostaeyen, Elizabeth Pearson, Mubin Shaikh, Priyanka Shankar, violent extremism, terrorism, radicalization, counter-terrorism, Peacemaking, Nonviolence, Peace, Peacemaking, Nonviolence, Oppression, Theatre, Barbara Santos, Till Baumann, Agnieszka Bua, Margaret Amaka Ohia-Nowak, Kevin Groen, Sen Zhan, Allyship, DEI, oppression, prejudice.
2024 – Season 22
Episode 1/248: Bridging Political Division
Tags: Monica Guzman, Alyson Spery, Ron Gunzberger, Political Division, Political Parties, Emily Cohen, Paul Ingles, Polarization, Politics, story corps, elections
Episode 2/249: Gang Life Mitigation & Youth Storytelling to Promote Peace
Tags: Colum McCann, Lisa Consiglio, Narrative 4, Father Greg Boyle, Megan Kamerick, Homeboy Industries, Storytelling, social change, Anthony Tuttle, Hector Rodriguez, gang violence
Episode 3/250: Conflict Engagement in Daily Life & in Local Government
Tags: Jay Rothman, TJ Turner, Jeannamarie Cox, ARIA Group, Yellow Springs, Conflict Engagement, conflict resolution, School boards, Jessica Ticktin
Episode 4/251: Seeking Solutions to Gun Violence in the USA
Tags: Chico Tillmon, Nick Wilson, Streeets-Beats-and-Peace Podcast, Rodney Phillips, Billy Deal, Nyedra Turner, James Mitchell, Emily Cohen, Gun Violence Prevention, CVI, Interrupters
Episode 5/252: Settling with Body Image
Tags: Alishia McCullough, Cate Navarette, Kelvin Davis, Julia Joubert, Body Image, Body Positivity Movement
Episode 6/253: Seeking Peace Through Intergenerational Connection
Tags: Eunice Lin Nichols, Kierstan Belle, Maria Banks, Julia Joubert, Co-Generate, Urban Rural Action, Generation Gap
Episode 7/254: Artificial Intelligence: Risks and Benefits to Peace
Tags: Branka Panic, AI For Peace, Data for Black Lives, Artificial Intelligence, Mary Steffenhagen
Episode 8/255: Healing Through Psychedelics
Tags: Psychedelic Studies, Apricity Expat Therapy, Shannon Miller, Dr Jennifer Mitchell, psilocybin, MDMA, LSD
Episode 9/256: Taking Action For Peace: Stories of Impact
Tags: Brad Wolf, Kelly Rae Kraemer, Joseph Braude, Emily Cohen, Middle East Conflict, Whispered in Gaza Peace Communications
Episode 10/257: Resist or Retreat: In Search of Peace
Tags: Earthfire Abbey, Translifeline, Transgender law, Southern Equality
Episode 11/258: When Digital Addiction Threatens Family Peace
Tags: digital addiction, One Sec, OPAL,Family Conflict, Teen social media use
Episode 12/259: Seeking Peace on Earth: A Peace Talks Radio Special for 2024
Tags: peacemaking, conflict resolution, nonviolence, peace, peace talks radio, Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kyrder, Jessica Ticktin
Tags: Monica Guzman, Alyson Spery, Ron Gunzberger, Political Division, Political Parties, Emily Cohen, Paul Ingles, Polarization, Politics, story corps, elections
Episode 2/249: Gang Life Mitigation & Youth Storytelling to Promote Peace
Tags: Colum McCann, Lisa Consiglio, Narrative 4, Father Greg Boyle, Megan Kamerick, Homeboy Industries, Storytelling, social change, Anthony Tuttle, Hector Rodriguez, gang violence
Episode 3/250: Conflict Engagement in Daily Life & in Local Government
Tags: Jay Rothman, TJ Turner, Jeannamarie Cox, ARIA Group, Yellow Springs, Conflict Engagement, conflict resolution, School boards, Jessica Ticktin
Episode 4/251: Seeking Solutions to Gun Violence in the USA
Tags: Chico Tillmon, Nick Wilson, Streeets-Beats-and-Peace Podcast, Rodney Phillips, Billy Deal, Nyedra Turner, James Mitchell, Emily Cohen, Gun Violence Prevention, CVI, Interrupters
Episode 5/252: Settling with Body Image
Tags: Alishia McCullough, Cate Navarette, Kelvin Davis, Julia Joubert, Body Image, Body Positivity Movement
Episode 6/253: Seeking Peace Through Intergenerational Connection
Tags: Eunice Lin Nichols, Kierstan Belle, Maria Banks, Julia Joubert, Co-Generate, Urban Rural Action, Generation Gap
Episode 7/254: Artificial Intelligence: Risks and Benefits to Peace
Tags: Branka Panic, AI For Peace, Data for Black Lives, Artificial Intelligence, Mary Steffenhagen
Episode 8/255: Healing Through Psychedelics
Tags: Psychedelic Studies, Apricity Expat Therapy, Shannon Miller, Dr Jennifer Mitchell, psilocybin, MDMA, LSD
Episode 9/256: Taking Action For Peace: Stories of Impact
Tags: Brad Wolf, Kelly Rae Kraemer, Joseph Braude, Emily Cohen, Middle East Conflict, Whispered in Gaza Peace Communications
Episode 10/257: Resist or Retreat: In Search of Peace
Tags: Earthfire Abbey, Translifeline, Transgender law, Southern Equality
Episode 11/258: When Digital Addiction Threatens Family Peace
Tags: digital addiction, One Sec, OPAL,Family Conflict, Teen social media use
Episode 12/259: Seeking Peace on Earth: A Peace Talks Radio Special for 2024
Tags: peacemaking, conflict resolution, nonviolence, peace, peace talks radio, Paul Ingles, Suzanne Kyrder, Jessica Ticktin
2025 – Season 23
Episode 1/260: The Toll of Overtourism:Seeking a Peaceful Balance
Tags: Peaceful Travel, Responsible Tourism, Ethical tourism, Reroot Travel, Conscious Travel, Travel Better
Episode 2/261: Play for Peace:
Tags: Right to Play, Play Therapy, International Day of Play, Play Specialist, Playgrounds for Palestine Child centered play
Episode 3/262: Volunteering as a Human Shield: Peace In Action
Tags: human shields, peacemaking, volunteer for peace, non violence, conflict resolution
Tags: Peaceful Travel, Responsible Tourism, Ethical tourism, Reroot Travel, Conscious Travel, Travel Better
Episode 2/261: Play for Peace:
Tags: Right to Play, Play Therapy, International Day of Play, Play Specialist, Playgrounds for Palestine Child centered play
Episode 3/262: Volunteering as a Human Shield: Peace In Action
Tags: human shields, peacemaking, volunteer for peace, non violence, conflict resolution